
Your assessment is spot on. Legacy fertilizer plant which had rural development crop up around it, mixed with loose Texas regulation and an unexpected fire = Massive devastation, Texas style. Everything's bigger in Texas, y'all.

Welcome to unregulated Texas free-market economy, y'all! Hope it's been a blast.

May also contain legumes.

Eh? Look at this!

First Offy, now Audi.

Are you insinuating that it's all Lion Air's fault, or pilot error? We don't know yet if there is an issue with the 737-800.

Uh oh, Boeing.

Not amused.

3rd World Problems, Exhibit #25616 for 2013.

1969 Mercedes Benz 220d. Mom still has it, although it doesn't run and the interior is in rough shape.

Deutschland tie.

Karl Welzein approves, you guys.


[Old Man fishing]:  "Then leave me alone; I know what I'm doing."

"The heat of a thousand suns, you guys." - Karl Welzein

I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't an "unapproved alcohol-infused lunch" by said test driver.  GM test drivers in the AZ area, you know you do, from time to time.  Don't kid anyone.

Is it just me?  I moved out of the house at 18, college for 4 years and never looked back.  Granted, this was the mid-1990s, but seriously.  Is it THAT bad out there today for young kids?

I can substantiate this claim. Oro Valley must get 1/4 of their town's revenues from speeding tickets.

Agreed. I might need to re-watch it this afternoon.

I see what you did there.