
No, it's been postponed until 2014.

"Electricity is going to be carbonless someday." Ha ha! I like your enthusiasm, but I work for a major utility and that answer is absolutely "NO" in our lifetimes and doubtful in our children's lifetimes, based on the following: 1) Cheap natural gas; 2) Expense and non-dispatchable nature of renewables; 3) Expense

"They do claim though that this system would remove CO2 from the atmosphere in the process" But then re-release it, post combustion of the produced gasoline. Tack on the CO2 you've produced by creating the electricity (unless you created the electricity from purely renewable resources like wind or solar).

Why so Syrias?

$100 million in 1955 dollars equals $8 billion in today's dollars? Not quite. Try around $828 million.


"Sightless in Seattle". It's sweeping the nation.

Um, "return run"? Way to perpetuate the shit behavior mentality. The posted speed limit on these mountain roads is 25 THROUGHOUT the park at South Mountain.

5. This road is on South Mountain Park/Preserve in the City of Phoenix. Hardly desolated, these roads are often packed on the weekends and some weekdays with cyclists, hikers and sightseers.

"The stock water filter can pump water to the single radiator in its stock location, and if you try to move it an inch more it'll fold faster than a robot origamist." I think you meant water pump. #corrections

I just lost my wurst.

HIP (Hibernate In Peace), bear.

He's a Lucky Dog to have walked away from that Aaron's machine.

That... WAS... Italian.

'Shop of The Day nomination.

4/14, first Aventador. Never forget.

Maybe he was simply parked over an IED?

She's on the sidepod, you **** ***.

The hunger for more revenue sources by the state government trumps your valid, intelligent point, sir. Nothing to see here (literally!); move along.

Obviously mining Helium 3. Right, GERTY?