Say Waaah?

Well, the end product kind of looks like a shit from someone who's just had sweet corn, and then the shits been placed inside a bun.

@CarbonatedFalcon: Yeah I realized that moments after making my comment.

@Jaredu: Well when i got my iPhone (I'm in the UK so I'm not with whatever tariff AT&T have) I was telling a friend that I get unlimited texts and she said "Yeah, but that's really only 3000 texts".

@Bos'un's Mate: The thing I don't like about them is they seem kinda flimsy, they feel like they're going to break when I sit on it.

@mostlymartian: How do we know she's a minor? I'm guessing she's about 21 - 23.

@Belladonna77: Yeah, but this is a model being photographed, he's doing the exact same thing, the person on a subway isn't.

@crunkjuice: Well it was your fault for not wearing a turtleneck (Whatever that is).

@silversurfer911: I wish I could find a paper round here in London, although one where I don't have to get up at like 5AM, I'd do it all through summer break and just do all nighters for it.

I love New York so much, the closest I can get to it now is virtually roaming around on it in GTA:IV.

@sbunny: It kinda reminds me of Futurama when Leela tells Fry about how everything gets recycled...even the sandwich in his hand!!

@AnnieGetYourFun: Same, although both my cell phone and landline are rather easy.

@Gottliebs Cards: I just jumped a 5, nothing got me out of this planet.

@Mind_Grapes: Maybe he calls it AIDs, because she has AIDs, but can AID him to get back.

@Sportsbizarre: I can easily remember my phone number and only mine (Apart from my landline)

@moonshadowkati: I dunno why but my brothers phone has someones number, and he's named it "ICE" meaning "In Case of Emergency"