
So what the fuck can you do in China? Like, aside from being a drone slave for the party, is there anything you yourself can do for fun?

These are future threats. Republicans can see the foothold they’re about to be given by a weak Democratic contender and they’re already leveraging it.

Really interesting time in politics. Let’s see how it plays out Ken.

And as a person who leans slightly left, hopefully the Democratic party brings forth a strong

Halo 2 SoloLASO is incomprehensibly harder than any other Halo SLASO challenge. I beat Halo 1 on SLASO and it took me so so long. So long. And it was so stressful. I watch the first level of Halo 2 LASO and decided I wouldn’t even attempt it. The first room alone would have took me hours just to perfect.

Halo 4  on

I hope so. Best of both worlds.  

So they want their company to pay for them to get a penis addition and boob removal or a vagina addition and boob addition? Is that what gender-affirming surgery is?

Yeah I wouldn’t pay for that either. You can be whatever you want to be without forcing me to pay for it.

I’m fully in support of women freeing their nipples.

And their whole ass titties.  

Are you the only one allowed to own that piece of paper with that address?

Real question.  

Buying Hitler’s suicide gun is probably the tamest shit you listed in this article. I’d probably buy that gun too though ngl. That’s easily one of the most influential weapons on planet Earth.  

You know what I call killer whales? Orcas. Come at me.  

You see how long that thing is? I’m not reading that.  

> Did you feel you had to explore every building, cave, hideout, and location in Fallout and Elder Scrolls?

Yes lol  

Lol if you gave me a game with 10 planets I’ma be like “fuck me that’s too much shit to do” and forget I bought the game.  

> There’s room for everyone in beauty.

Yeah I dunno. Maybe not for ugly people. I been trying to find room in there for ages and that shit is full up.  

Tabloids would pay you that salary to get dirt on the royals. I’d take it.  

Holy shit. I know NOTHING about cars, but this article just solved my car issues. I have been distressed because my bank account is bone dry and I’m jobless so I haven’t had the resources to address this issue. Thank you very much for this post.  

“You should always update all of your internet connected devices as soon as possible, always, and forever.”

And if the update bricks my device I’ll just be a Karen until they give me a new one.   

Christmas shoes.  

Where can I go to see people crying about scientists playing god in regards to this news? Hmm I bet Facebook will have tons of them. I need some entertainment.  

I have to say, watching Zuckerberg’s dive into insanity is quite entertaining. As for what abusive shit he’s going to do in the future when he’s completed his insanity journey? Well... :( ...  

It’s also going to be very entertaining! Bring on the chaos, you sweet dystopian future!  

Ahahaha. Companies deserve having their shit pirated I swear.

I love seeing stats on how many games and movies were pirated each year. Keep it up. Fuck these companies.