Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest.
Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest.
Look here Mr. Patriots/Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks fan, the lowly, typically moribund Dolphins have won 6 in a row. I’ll take it if comes by an inch or a mile.
Big surprise: the pathological liar doesn’t plan to keep his promise.
I hope Kanye gets well for himself and his family.
The defeatist attitude is why you lose.
Yeah, well, a vampirific billionaire sued their previous outlet for this material into oblivion, so you may thank him for that.
Don’t you remember the age old adage “he’s gone reasonable with power”, or maybe the related one, “absolute power always makes people more grounded, absolutely”?
Burneko went full-on impotent rage at people for deigning to call his bad opinions bad.
Agree to disagree, my friend. I frankly do not believe you were joking, just pulling that convenient internet ripchord of saying it was a joke when your bad opinion is criticized for being bad, but fair enough.
“Heavens forbid someone has a viewpoint other than yours.”
So, women who wear belts with jeans should stop letting their husbands buy their jeans, be a woman and buy jeans that fit?
It’s like she has chosen to ignore that the reason feminists overwhelmingly support progressive policies is because CONSERVATIVE POLICIES OPPRESS WOMEN. This is not a difficult notion to understand.
Two can play at this game: you would allow a Trump presidency in lieu of Clinton because you're probably a priveleged white man who doesn't have too much to lose from a Trump presidency. You don't care about gay rights, women's equal pay and health, you don't care about the rights of people of color or Black Lives…
The topic of this thread is that Sanders’ supporters can be smug, unreasonable and condescending, and you spent this whole thread being smug, unreasonable, and condescending. And when you were confronted, you doubled down on the insults. I’m sorry that the very mild phrase “Bernie Bros” registers as a slur to you. I…
Yes, goading people with condescension is exactly how Christ spread his gospel, you spoiled smug child.
More smug condescension and No True Scotsman fallacies from the One True Lib. All you have is insults, smugness and equivocation. You're a Trump supporter with a blue lapel pin.
Again you deserve Trump!
She can't go too hard, it'll look bad when she publicly endorsed him.
A President Sanders will still have to live in a world where ISIS exists, and will have to deal with a recalcitrant Congress that will deny him legislation, sometimes completely out of hand. He’ll have to contend with that, manage his constituents agendas while balancing the demands of his opponents (which, in a…