
“...seemingly reckless with nuclear policy as Trump.”

How about this - do your fucking job and leave the political and social commentary to your weekends when you aren’t in the office. Lucky someone hasn’t sued your ass for hostile workplace. Jackass.

“ funding a series of lawsuits aimed at destroying the company.”

THIS. A consistent approach to foreign affairs woud be welcome as would taking a hard line response for that policy.

Wait - so China takes over the South China Sea and the recommendation is to “build up their economies” of our allies? Talk about a bitch move. Let’s just let them do what they want with no repercussions! Wait, we’re holding Russia’s feet to the fire for the exact same thing. Would be nice to see some consistent

“So I guess this really isn’t the day freedom died, as it’s been dead for a few months already.”

Seems most of you are grumpy fucks this morning. $8k for an AMG? Just take that stupid stripe off and you’ve got yourself a respectable ride. NP.

“It moves your grey matter.”

They refused to allow anyone to lease the thing as well.

This is nothing more than a demonstration of the complete lack of taste that these two have. I can’t imagine anything or tacky or classless

I think the average person doesn’t really give s shit.

I love it.

Because taking lines from Cam Newton makes it all better. Give me a break.

You’re a fucking dumbass.

Totally not.

Gaudy. CP all day.

An ‘81 two door Chevette was my first car. Got several blowjobs in it. Probably not because of the car, though.

Give me an ‘89 GLi in that awesome teal green and all my 80's fantasies will come true.

I worried about the wiring on these for years in stick form - not sure the enging swap and other updates would make that any easier. CP all day long.

Would love to see it here as an updated SS - any chance?