SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

Of course, it’s an Audi so the biggest tool is in the driver’s seat.

Is that because the elecrics come pre-broken on Audis of a certain vintage?

There were things on the list I could Checkov, but I was Russian to work.

Logic need not apply when trying to make a point.

Just remember, GM bad

Wait, hang on. I just want to make sure I’m getting this.

Ah, the happy and carefree days of the Cold War-era Soviet Union. We’re all gonna get bombed anyway, so why not go for a picnic?

Torch finds a cool picture, Lada Lada Lada, and we have another neat Jalopnik post.

Ever see a modern Caddy with an aftermarket vinyl roof?

The opposite side of having HOAs is having David Tracy as your neighbor.


Every day I pray for this outcome

Ran when parked?

*waiting for price of launch to drop below 1 million

(current low estimates put cost with est curb weight @ just over $24 million

It’s a tough problem for sure. Unfortunately, adding lanes, removing speed limit signs, and letting chaos ensure isn’t going to fix it. There is no simple fix. Either we have to get aggressive with new technologies (autonomous high-speed cars in a dedicated lane with some kind of wireless power solution, hyperloop

If you can launch it into orbit, I’ll give you a million bucks.

Never lost a case! Never have, never will!

Yeah, then he specifically listed the features, like find you in a parking lot, pick you up, take you all the way to your destination without an intervention. Let me know when that happens, cause it’s gonna be a while.

And honestly that’s why it’s plausible. The feature part is relatively simple, it’s the continued development and refinement that is going to be a long, long road for any self-driving technology company.

- Signed, Elon’s lawyer for the upcoming lawsuit.