SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

I used to watch the one take videos religiously, because it was cool to see actual enthusiast cars driven, what kinds of modifications people made, and how it made their cars better/faster/more fun to drive etc. but man I cannot stand Farrah.   Don’t be a condescending prick when your rich parents buy you everything,


This is a good take because drivers are never distracted and couldn’t possibly hit a pedestrian paying attention and legally crossing the road.

The BMW detected the child, ran all the contextual data through a number of sophisticated algorithms, double checked a central database, and came up with a 99% probability that the child was poor, and therefore beneath the cognizance of its owner.

I asked BMW for comment, and a spokesman gave me the following:

I’m with you on pedestrians, but clearly you don't have kids of your own.

Even after a conviction, it’s still possible for it to be excessive, but yeah seizing property from someone without convicting them of anything goes against the very core of our justice system, and seems fundamentally at odds with several parts of the constitution.

That’s because the SCOTUS ruling was about excessive fines, not really civil forfeiture.

Most of those examples from USA Today are not civil forfeiture, they’re excessive fines. Citing them obviously points out the problems with fines, but also distracts from the conversation about civil forfeiture, which does not require a conviction, and which is often grossly disproportionate to the crime (if any)

Unfortunately Timb’s 2012 Land Rover has long since crumpled into a heap of rusted jellied eel tins and broken air suspension solenoids.

Needs more stars.

Has Matt Farah done anything in his life “by himself”, he’s always had help from mommy and daddy or others in doing or creating anything.   He’s a giant 45 year old bald toddler.  

I’d say a W12 Phaeton. Attempting such a feat would cause a measurable uptick in the nation’s economic activity. The car itself would be a job creator.

Apparently the model itself was a motivator as well. Not all demographics wanted a Prius. They really wanted a Corolla.

Still, when you’re talking about going from averaging 32 mpg to 52 mpg, that’s nearly cutting your fuel costs in half.

Anyone can buy a life insurance policy on anyone. Just sayin’.

Sorry, I should have been more clear; I meant that hybrid versions of the Corolla/Camry are vastly outsold by the ICE versions. It makes no sense.

This all day. The worst: Thanksgiving weekend. Wife and I used to drive up to the Bay Area from LA. Leave early late morning, you’re in the middle of the most dangerous game of “Reverse Passing”.

Seriously. Tailgating at 90mph is the I-5 norm, every day.

This is also what 95% of Corolla buyer should be buying. Why the fuck would anyone get the ICE? But for some reason, they sell a piddling amount of hybrids compared to ICEs still.