SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

You couldn’t break that 727 with a sledgehammer. I know I tried at 16

Came here for this, couldn’t remember the car. I hope in the future everyone realizes the superior configuration for automatics is a nice electronic column stalk, maximizes cabin real estate is a no brainer to operate. At some point it became associated with downmarket but I think that moment has passed 

Actually, that was the Volt, but I get your point. They aren’t making the Volt any longer, so I can’t argue it instead.

Yeah, thats true.  Swapping to a subaru engine or a 1.8t audi/vw is about the same cost, but will save lots in the long run. 

Plus the Soob engines actually make power.

Yeah that’s brutal, I would have range anxiety in our “ideal” EV weather Texas, but shit If I lived up north with those winters there is no way a TM3 would be my choice of daily on any commute longer than 10-15 miles each way. My coworkers, P85D with full charge and 3-4 WOT romps in ludicrous launch mode, effectively

Tesla is selling an experience.

I learned to drive in a 1961 Dodge Lancer with the pushbutton automatic.

Thoughts on Volt?  I paid $17k for my 2013 in 2015 (off lease) and have been averaging 80 mpg over the last 35k miles of ownership.  I think smart hybrid tech is really the sweet spot here....  I’m in Illinois.

Yet another Microbus concept that VW won’t follow through on.

All this needs is Awd and i would buy it in a heart beat for a vehicle to keep in the long run.

Next up oval steering wheels!

Agreed. I’m in Texas, so the cold factor isn’t a big issue for us on battery range, but I frequent the mid west where I have lots of family and friends, and during those polar vortex(s) where the temps hit a -20 without windchill, that can’t be good for the range on these battery’s and even long term. The Tesla fans

Maybe its the wording but I can assure you I don’t know any kids who would care about this. But I bet a ton of adults who built a lot of cars from legos as kids are drooling over this right now.

my GF has a 2017 Lincoln MKC with push button gearing (the one they had to re-design because the sport button was right next to engine off). Anyway, its really nice and saves on packaging (especially in smaller cabins). In most driving situations its superior to a full PRNDL shifter. EXCEPT tight manuevers or parallel

also, made in America if you care about that (Mississippi)

I see about 4 Tesla Model 3s and 2 Model S’s in my work’s parking lot as I look out of my office, It’s great that it’s catching on but I highly doubt any of those Model 3s were under $50K. I almost put down a deposit for one in 2017, but decided against it when I realized how bad a 100K Model S P85D interior was in

An incredible honest and correct take.   Have a star sir.  

It’s interesting -- what was old is now new.  In 50 years we will see a great innovation is shifter placement when they move the shifter to the steering column, or make it into a stalk on the console.

Hey CJ! I can immediately detect a cult member when they drag out that UCS trash report (which Argonne and the BER savaged for NOT considering actual grid sources, time of day supply variations and generating contracts. You know, actual research agencies that don’t have a political agenda). Here’s your lovely