SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

What sort of future have we created when a Toyota shitbox still comes with a manual, but a Corvette doesn’t?

Toyota (and Lexus) grilles are the Bane of my existence.

The worst. Pass the semi. You never know when one of those retreads is going to sling itself loose. Everyone should pass semis as fast as possible.

I’m a very regular cruise control user and it is absolutely amazing how varied every other driver on the road is. Especially when hills are involved. Almost every single time I’m on a good highway run, there’s always a few cars who will pass me, then I pass them, then they pass me, over and over again. The entire

The nervous drivers who slow down passing semis, that’s so annoying too.

When you’re trying to get in the left turn lane but there’s a median preventing you from cutting in early and the car in front where the turn lane starts has a 15 foot gap they refuse to close so you’re stuck waiting and miss the turn signal.

Lane camping on highways.

Stop pacing the semi in the right lane doing 65 and just execute the pass. There are 15 cars behind you that aren’t worried about getting a speeding ticket. Move over.

RIP Chuck.

Shoot, I have a GTI with the DSG and if you put it into manual shift mode, it takes more concentration to drive than leaving it full auto.

Got it, whisky neat it is, no cola mixer!

Supply is only half the equation. Demand is the other. There isn’t that big of a demand for this car as there are Cameros and Chevelles of that era. Yes, there is a niche market for them; but it’s nowhere as big as the muscle car market. Rare doesn’t always equal $$$.

I think the engine install is the easy part of that job.  Keep in mind how expensive every little bit and piece is on a vintage Corvette.  Also keep in mind how labor-intensive and finicky the bodywork is on these.  I think people just understand the offset between buy-in price and completed project investment.  

rare =/= valuable.  This is objectively a cool car, and I like it.  But even if I had $15k to set on fire, I would find a minimum of 30 other cars I would rather have.  CP

Now I’m officially creeped out.

something something Grand National

Or save even more money and buy a Yugo. It’s exactly like a Bentley.

While more than half of the developed world lives paycheck to paycheck, the rich can’t waste their money fast enough.

Exactly this.  I see SO many ads with “no title.”  Usually this means there’s a title loan involved the owner won’t pay off.  But in this case, the one person who has a snowball’s chance of getting the title, is too flippin’ lazy to do the legwork.

It’s not the engine that’s the deal breaker, it’s the lack of title or reggy. I’ve tried getting an old car (72 Nova) titled and registered in my home state (NY) and it’s a nightmare if not impossible to do it legally, and expensive and shady to do it grey market. At best this is an overpriced parts car :(