
If by playing, you mean "getting pissed that I keep catching stupid rattatas and pidgeys", then yes.

I'm not going to continue the back and forth on why I don't particularly like Michael most of the time OR explain yet again that I absolutely do not ship Rafael and Jane.

To be fair, I literally watched every episode of JtV last week so this is very literally the only thing I've posted on about this. I caught up on a show I liked and I was behind so excuse the hell out of me for wanting to discuss it with people! Also, please excuse me for reply to comments. I was under the obviously

Yes, that is true, but that amounts to what, 4 episodes?

Considering you have yet to actually state where I did any of that stuff, it's really hard to take you seriously. I wasn't feeling particularly defensive until you tried to imply with absolutely no evidence (or even a hint at where you got this opinion from) that I am using social justice issues or mocking rape or

I tend to be very bad at leaving conversations.

What in the holy hell are you talking about?

I'm not sure if you aced reading comprehension in school or not, but I clearly stated that I hope Rafael finds someone else which firmly puts me as anything but a Jane/Rafael shipper.

I was specifically referring to when Jane had broken up with Michael and he showed up everywhere. Yes, there was an investigation of the hotel (which he deliberately tried to steer towards Rafael for no reason) but police don't actually spend countless hours at the scene of a crime over a few months. He used that

Yeah, but being a troublemaker who has run-ins with the police as a youth is quite different than disappearing and making your family worry about you on a regular basis.

His sister (with addiction issues) has a different mother (with mental health issues) so doesn't really have anything to do with his blood-line. The fact that EVERYTHING Michael does is with Jane in mind is not a good thing imo. The one thing that you say was done without her in mind (sleeping with Nadine) was

You'd hate me then. lol

nm, I thought this was specifically in response to me.

Yeah, I don't think the writers intend for him to come across so manipulative, but he definitely does to me. Look at the way he was with Nadine when he handcuffed her. He was manipulating her and literally didn't seem any different than he does with anyone else. Oh, my ex is moving on after I tried to manipulate her

I agree to an extent. I think endangering the future of my child for a selfish reason is more than enough reason to break up with someone, especially considering it looked like he had no intention of telling her the truth until he got caught.

Yeah, I don't get Rafael being far more possessive at all. Frankly, Rafael should be. He should put his foot down more. Michael has encroached on every thing he should have been able to experience when he and Jane were together (family moments) and now he's the child's godfather!

Sure, he understands Jane (granted, he has two years of a relationship to fall back on for that as opposed to Rafael) and he does indeed care about her wellbeing and family. My issue is that he cares too much, to an unhealthy degree.

The show has also called him on being obsessive (both Rafael and his ex-partner did so vocally) so aside from my own perception, I'm getting it from there.

Alba said she's #teamRafael but I think that's mostly because he is the father of her child and from a religious standpoint, the person you marry should be the one you have kids with.

Michael acting superior is one of many reasons why I can't stand him. First, he's clearly obsessive and possessive about Jane and that makes almost everything he does/say feel like manipulation to me. He feels like a less violent and dramatic version of Milos. He has no concept of boundaries and respect both when