
You didn't miss anything. I promise.

I'm certainly not going to begin to compare it to the damage/pain done to the victims, but there is also significant damage done to the socially aware people that are tired of seeing these incidents. There is damage done to my spirit every time I see something like this happen, there is a damage done to the black

I don't know about everyone else but I don't feel the urge to skip any songs on either album and that is high praise.

The last notable person to adopt that many children of other races was Jim Jones. I'm not saying that's related to AJ… I'm just saying it's a fact.

She debunked that rumor and has not adopted a second child.

Yes, yes he was.

Speed: Sandra Bullock failed to save the black bus driver but she did help save that one sweaty Mexican.

*puts on nerd hat* If you judge Falcon based purely on Marvel's Avenger's Assemble, he's pretty damn useful.
*takes off nerd hat*
eff that ninja.

I arrived at my new place in Georgia just about 30 minutes ago after driving here from my (old) home in Seattle. As I lay on my air mattress (I brought only what fit in my car), this post is helping me fight back the tears from homesickness and uncertainty. Your move has aligned almost perfectly with mine and honestly

Bi-annual check-in on my feelings about the word female: Nope, still don't care about being called female*.

Every time is the right time for a Jon B. reference.

I'm not saying there's an issue, I'm just refuting the statement that if Viola winning was in question, it was a reflection on the state of race in Hollywood. If Tatiana weren't even nominated AND there was still a question of Viola's winning, then I could see how that would be the case. However, I think that Tatiana

Her speech had me tearing up. I was so proud of all the beautiful black women that won last night and especially the first black woman to win in the Lead Actress category. That said, I disagree with the idea that her winning should not have been in question or that it would have been an indictment on race in Hollywood

I forgot about Ant-man!

Oh yeah, I'll watch wrestling all day and discuss the latest comics news… but I'll also make you watch General Hospital everyday so there is a trade-off. lol

It's a lot like with soap operas and/or wrestling (I watch both). You can really pick up from anywhere if you read/watch a few issues/episodes. You don't really NEED to know the history (but can always get shortened versions in the marvel wiki).

Yeah, I can't think of a single Ultimate Universe character I care about… other than Gwen Stacy.

I always dive head first into these reboots/renumberings and then titles just drop as I go on. It wasn't until the Avengers ended up in outer space after Marvel Now where I just kind of stopped reading altogether (minus Hawkeye, Deadpool, and a few indie titles).

I STILL haven't read any of Secret Wars, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up on it over this weekend. None of the post-Secret Wars make me too excited, but I'll probably check out the regulars like Deadpool (of course), the two main spider-man titles (maybe spider-gwen), Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk and Daredevil.

"Caillou has upped his f**king game"
-some YouTube commenter who killed me dead this morning.