
Seriously? I'm not talking about hair or his skin color, I'm talking about actual features and as PJ stated above, once Rachel's background came into question it is very clear when looking at her that she is a white girl with a tan and a "black" hairdo. When Shaun's came into question, I looked at his pictures and all

So far, this "family member" that claims he is white has been unnamed and as far as I'm concerned, may not even be really or really related to him.

If you haven't seen Cabin in the Woods, you should.

XPac is someone's favorite?

I definitely don't see that as being an issue with either of them, but it may be just wishful thinking on my part in regards to Dean.

This show had such an interesting premise but goodness has it turned to crap. Carter is one of the most selfish characters on television and becomes even more unlikable because she masquerades as some selfless person who cares about others' feelings. I had the same thought about her never suffering consequences when I

I have not yet. Have you? If so, is it any good and would you recommend it? I'm sure I'll get around to it but your opinion could be extra motivation.

I don't watch Scandal *collective gasp* but I know that Jake is way better looking than that other guy. That is all.

Has Mulaney gotten any better. I like John Mulaney, but that pilot was so rough to sit through and I turned the second episode off halfway through.

I am also very proud of you for sharing this. It's not easy… at all. I've been struggling with it for the last few years and have become completely withdrawn as a result. It helps to know I'm not alone.

Congrats to the both of you! Also, congrats to all the new folks involved in the site… Cheekie, Gemmie, Colgate, etc.