
Meh, Lebron back in his flopping era was just as bad.

So, filling the park with humans to kill and rape in OG Westworld is fine but those ethnically same people killing and raping in Shogun world would be racist?

Should’ve had him recut Last Jedi. We don’t need reverence. We need competent storytelling.

“Luke just “is different now” with no credit to the audience. It’s bad writing.”

Uh I think that was the least of the issues with the prequels

I think Star Trek Discovery and The Last Jedi took huge leaps forward in that they treat the characters like human beings and not archetypes.

Watching Johnson go on the defensive like this so long after the discussions about TLJ ended feels equally sad and bizarre. As you said, folks make mistakes all the time - sometimes, ignoring it and just moving on is infinitely more satisfying and beneficial for all parties involved.

Nah...seems more like a plot hole that was missed. Nothing wrong with that. We’re all human and make mistakes. Just call it what it was and move on. If you don’t, it starts sounding, over time, as ridiculous as doing “the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs”. Johnson, you’re not fooling anybody. Well, I guess some will buy it,

See Episode I for the answer to your question.

I can guarantee that he wouldn’t have had Luke contemplating nepoticide. He could have had Luke and Jar Jar running a train on a bunch of Ewoks and I would have said that was more in character for Luke.

I so seriously want to see the original plans George Lucas had. I mean how much worse could they have been!?!

I think Rian Johnson’s trilogy will be pretty far out there.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Robert K Dick is one of my favourite Authors and didn’t live to see the first version of “Do Androids dream.....” His books are used to make screenplays and he gets precious little recognition.

False: Robin Hood, 1942, The Counselor, ...A GOOD YEAR....NO JUST NO!

Step Brothers is the shit - a huge improvement over every previous Will Ferrell comedy. I was shocked that it was as good as it was when I saw it.

You’re right, there is totally nothing inappropriate about a grown man inviting a 14 year old to a party with alcohol into his bed. Totally normal.

Lol AI is on that list but not Ex Machina? odd. I also find it interesting, on the looming sci-fi inspiration level how so many people in recent years forget or haven’t seen Metropolis.

AI was, I think, the first film I ever walked out on. It was just so, so boring.

AI? In the top ten? Really?