

Meyer’s right. Stop making excuses. If you want to change the culture, you need to find your own Aaron Hernandez.

Jesus Christ. What percentage of Americans do you think would have sexual intercourse with an American flag if it were physically possible? 65%?

Do fake heart attacks count as excuses?

The conflict between Sansa and Arya feels so contrived. Like they needed something for the characters to do, decided the old rivalry dynamic was best, and then forced it in the most ham handed, illogical way possible. A way that seems to contradict both characters’ development and, well, characters.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

All I want to know is where the command is to make your character say that their mom’s name is Martha when they go up against Batman, leading to victory as the latter inevitably becomes best friends with his opponent?

I don’t want to come off as some douche who is just flaunting around their straight white male privilege. I know my wealth could potentially make me attractive enough for someone to finally take a chance on me, but it’s a pretty giant can of worms that I really don’t want to open unless absolutely I have to. When do

I took that statement as someone who fumbled over “making a name for himself” too. The internet though, the place where people go to randomly panic about stuff that’s not really that important. :-P

It’s essentially movie exec gibberish.

(We want to take) a more millennial approach. The world has changed, and I think you’re going to see G.I. Joe changing with it. There’s going to be a much more contemporary approach to the whole franchise, and that will allow us to develop different characters.

I really cannot understand CEO compensation. It’s crazy- even atvfaiking companies. That seems like more money than I could spend in a lifetime.

On the one hand, I would vastly prefer never to have to deal with Anakin again. On the other, I would like it if every shot of Kylo Ren had a silently screaming Anakin ghost over his shoulder.

“These people have awful names.”

Ridley Scott and James Cameron need to fuck off to some island together where they can spend the rest of their lives sharing scripts for all these Alien/Avatar sequels nobody’s asking for.

Rey was clearly skilled in hand to hand combat and melee weapons. Kylo Ren was struck in the side by a bowcaster and had just finished a fight against Finn. She’s also clearly very force sensitive and powerful.