Samurai I-am-awry

@ellemdee: haha well technically it is an art degree.

@Dexomega: lol, I'm not sure how many engineers I know who are that concerned with making it look good.

@steino: Heart click for rational discussion.

@steino: Yes I know they do, but something along the lines of world's largest cantilevered building would definitely be tasked to a structural engineer.

Architects get wayyy too much credit these days.

Well, obviously we have a plagiarist in Cooks Source. She's climbin' in yo' blogs and snatching yo' articles up tryin' to steal them so y'all need to hide yo' articles, hide yo' recipes and hide yo' kitchens cause they stealin' everything up in here.

@rogger_frogger: "Help me Osama bin Laden, you're my only hope..."

@schnabel: psh, my LEGO are louder...

haha Nice. what would be cooler, is if the music/sound effects were produced by grooves in the road. but alas, methinks the tonal qualities would suffer a bit.

@Super Chill English Bro: Oh well don't get me wrong. I play around with those apps alllllll the time. My favorite to mess with is CrossProcess, along the same sorts of lines of Hipstamatic.

@MacAttack: That's actually a really good idea. The only thing I could think of is that it might get really hot?

the theatre I go to in the UK starts every movie by saying 'This Screen uses nightvision technology" That is "We're watching you, don't try to pirate this!"

As much as I download all these alternative camera apps, I always just end up using the pre-installed Apple one. I hate sitting through splash screens with logos to use my camera, and I hate having to verify that I want to save my picture after I take it (Although I'm sure that Apple has some restriction preventing

My dad used to change his clothes while driving... I never witnessed this, but he would leave from work in business clothes (shirt, tie, dress pants/shoes) then show up to coach soccer practice in sweatpants, running shoes and a T-shirt.

I've always loved the ending of Back to the Future. Think about it, almost every story that involves time travel is very cautionary with the main theme being 'Don't go back and change the past. It'll have disastrous consequences!'

Very cool. I was late with my entry though :( It's called 'Crime Scene'

I'll give this a couple of points. I can see this making blind typing easier if you use it a lot(!), and I really like the idea of custom gestures automatically bringing up frequently used phrases. But I fail to see how this is any faster than a regular qwerty, or especially swype. Perhaps I'm just being short

@Mooncheez: Unless your radiator is really hot, it shouldn't be a problem. Almost every morning, I'll throw a fresh pair of underwear on the radiator before I hop in the shower. I get out, dry off and put them on and they're sooo comfortable.