
I understand saving for repairs, but I’d rather spend the extra money upfront and not worry so much about if the car is going to start every time or if it's going to make it from work to daycare to pick up the shawties. 

This is the easy solution for long trips. Especially on a short car like the VW.

But how would everyone else know I’m driving an electric BMW?

Best Beretta I’ve ever seen. I didn’t buy one new, I won’t buy one now, especially for $8,500.

He should be driving a real Texas truck. A Tundra. Built by Mexicans in San Antonio. 

Last time I was in Texas I noted Texas edition Toyota Tundras.

20+ years ago I was a passenger involved in an accident with a illegally high lifted truck. My medical bills exceeded his insurance coverage, so they came out of my insurance. My insurance company sued the truck owner for illegal modifications and they weren’t anywhere near this. Also Florida BTW, where, in most cases

I’m of the opinion that the application of nutz to any vehicle identifies said vehicle as male. I feel that vehicles should be female because they are typically named after women. Where can I procure a vulva to dangle from my Prius?

I’m not so sure about this whole anteater thing. Can we get a pink panther on the case?

Nice! Looks like the same frame. I have drop bars and clipless pedals, currently. I don't ride it often as the old tires are quite expensive and it's uncomfortable. 

It’s been around for a while.

How about a refrigerator from International Harvester?

And my oldest form of transport is a Peugeot bicycle from 1981. 

I think the Ferrari digital tach may be a bit of gamesmanship on their part. Many years ago I had a sport bike that would probably out-rev the tach, but Kawasaki didn’t seem to care. Yeah, my current commute appliance needs no tach whatsoever. I had a rental Fusion week before last and I set the dash to show a digital

Unless you are dragoning with Ray Wert. 

I learned that yesterday after seeing guibo on oppo. Off I went to Wikipedia. It’s listed there as giubo as a portmanteau of giunto Boschi.

More of a commentary about my commute this morning. 

I have mixed feelings on car screens. I like a tach with a swept dial, but have really started to enjoy a digital speedometer. I’d also love to see manufacturers use some of the pixels to give me information I don’t need to decode. I had a blinking TPMS light last week, and it was cold, so I double checked the tire

These designers need to make it easier for blind drivers to operate everything be touch.