
I accidentally sent my dad a sext meant for my husband, who was only a boyfriend then (stupid phone) and it may have been the single most humiliating moment of my life

I didn't know what to make of that guy approaching Taylor in the bathroom. Focusing on his face the guy looks like he might be attracted to Taylor but he also seemed angry. And Taylor looked frightened. I thought they might be heading into a stall till I saw Taylor's face. So I guess the guy read the article and was


Those actresses don't look remotely that old, I wonder why they are trying to make them younger

I was really young as well, a couple years younger than you were, and i agree with you. Being black mostly I heard he was innocent from family and friends. I was too little to be real interested in getting to the bottom of it. But once I grew up it was pretty obvious to me that he was guilty. My parents eventually

I keep thinking she will pop up. But I guess she really isn't…wonder why

Your right… It's a pretty luke warm review for the grade

And of course they will always need Fiona that was silly of me. But the times she has been away or preoccupied you have to admit they were ok. Even flourishing at times. At one point I remember her being sad because no one seemed to miss her

The song was fucked up for sure. But when someone does something awful to you and then you retaliate and then they get revenge it gets confusing who is actually wrong. But IMO Fiona did start all of this with her shitty cheating ways. I don't give a shit about Gus generally speaking. I care about her and I know she

Yea it keeps getting pushed further back…till oh man it's too late she must keep it. I would be upset too

Lol! Come on I love her rude Russian ass

I understand what you mean! And I am not disagreeing with you. Its just messed up. But of course when you are barely making it you don't have a lot of time to consider the next guys situation or feelings i guess.
Just didn't like she did it as it seemed exceptionally callous to me given the back story

Ok…first off they proved to be just fine without her maybe even better off. Second right is right and wrong is wrong. You don't get a pass because you have a hard life. Since when is it ok to screw over another person cause life dealt you a shitty hand? Had Gus wronged her in some way I wouldn't have cared that she

Yea it kind of does though.
Whatever is going on with the gallaghers sure as shit ain't Gus's fault. Not selling his shit isn't protecting him. He didn't do anything to deserve that shit. I'm all for fucking over people that fuck you over. Fair is fair. Being poor doesn't give you license to shit all over people

Well you know how shameless is. They take a lot of liberties with shit like that. If they want him to be a firefighter he will be. Logic be damned

I have that impression but I can't recall it being said at any time

That would be good

Yea frank is a turd. But usually his turdiness is funny but this is grossing me out and I have yet to laugh at a single aspect of it. Frank is pragmatic and also a con artist but this is too far even for him

No your right Fiona isn't a good person but she at least used to have a moral compass. Remember when she tried to return that money she stole. It's like she wasn't the greatest person then either but she had a conscience… Not anymore I guess

I somehow had forgotten how badly they screwed Patrick over.