
But you know he is always about his friends. I think he was trying to help a friend but yea it was dumb

They stepped their game the fuck up right

I love her

As long as they have make up sex first I can accept it. We can flip over to AMC and see lexa kill a walker or two so it's all good

Oh ☹

That did it for me too. My jaw hit the floor and it felt natural to the story and characters not like some bullshit gimmick.

Glad you guys decided to review this great show again. I was actually pretty miffed when you stopped.

I wondered about this too. He seems way over anxious with the ladies. Like he has something to prove, or disprove

Agreed. I expected her to pop off

That damn Terri is something else. Really enjoyed seeing her significantly humbled at the end. She was spouting the same bullshit as the girl she fired…same wording even. Can't you do anything for us!

The violence is mutual and Ian has done some pretty hard to forgive shit as well like kidnapping the baby. I just don't like what they have done to the couple at all

I actually see what you mean

He was definitely giving flirty vibes in that scene while watching Eric play.

Makes sense to me!

One pregnancy continues and one doesn't. My money is on Debbie waking up at some point and getting the abortion. Fiona is going to keep hers

Going with my gut reaction it felt creepy to me

Neither can I. Along those same lines I don't really get Ian either. I guess I need to understand bipolar disorder more but for now it makes no sense to me that he shits on people whose only crime is caring for him.

Exactly which brings me back to those nasty track marks. I imagined all sort of diseases and didn't Sean say he used the guys hype kit. Does that mean he got a fresh needle? Used the one in there? Can those be sanitized?

Makes sense. Speaking of Sean, my vagina would have dried up like the desert while looking at those track marks. Yuck

I get it too. And I am shocked they managed to wait this long honestly but still could do without it