
The texts with hash tags confused me too. Also hated the Fiona pregnancy development. Like you I don't buy she would let it even happen and obviously it could be Sean or Gus which is…never a good look for a woman. I can just picture those 3 on Maury getting the results

Well this is really sad news. Great actor! Especially loved him as the voice of God in Dogma. So funny! He will be missed

Your right… I went back and watched that scene. Hard to defend her at all I suppose

I grew up as a black person in the ghetto. Lots of white kids said the n-word and got a pass. Many of my own relatives gave the passes. I didn't say it was right but it's still true. My family are heavy users of the word and I don't bother trying to correct them. Especially my 65 yr old granny… I think she understands

Exactly! The violence was mutual and that doesn't make it right but to me both people were equally guilty plus if Ian was done with Mickey over it they would have been done when it happened.
Personally I feel the writing is screwing their relationship up. If they want Ian to move on fine but make it organic not this

I guess he didn't feel any personal responsibility for what happened then. But naw to react that way shows he never cared

Agreed! The gallaghers are far from racist. They would have reacted the same no matter the race of that kid

I don't view it as racist either. It may not be right but he isn't coming from a hateful place he is trying to fit in. Rules are a little different in the ghetto. I seen shit like that a lot growing up

Hope you are right about Ian and Mickey, watching it back Ian does seem dead eyed and not himself. I just love them together

Well said!

I agree with you on Ian. Mickey has never done anything that would warrant this treatment. And it seems odd. They have made Ian heartless and Mickey pathetic
Now Carl I don't see as a racist but more an honorary black dude. My cousins are from the wrong side of the tracks and they have some white friends they give a

That was funny. And I buy Carl's transformation completely.

I didn't think much of it honestly. Many of the jokes didn't land for me. Everything to do with frank was just gross and not in a funny way.
- lip taking a photo of naked Helene will come back at some point I am sure
- why is it always about a dude with Fiona… Would love to see her on her own for awhile
- I really

All of AHS is made up of loosely strung together 'cool ideas' that don't really make any narrative sense next to each other.
Exactly. It is a beautiful show with beautiful performances but the plot makes no coherent sense at all. I think Empire has that same problem.

A nice ass pay check? And plenty of publicity to help get you other projects. They know this shit is awful, I know they do

Good question…where indeed

His wooden style really served him well in American Beauty didn't it. I thought he was great. But he has been the same since so that must just be how he rolls

Right, what else can we do

This is what I was coming down here to say. I accepted Tristan being gone because he was a vampire. Now that we know that isn't the case where is he? Why coudnt he and Liz continue their romance? Oh wait then Liz wouldn't have been gunning for the countess so hard thus advancing the plot…total bullshit

Right, so unfair such great character was stuck in this murky season of mediocre TV. Give Liz her own show