
Sounds like I need to check that book out!

LOL…the shade in this article is pretty hilarious. Personally I don't get why the new look Dallas isn't still on. I really enjoyed that show. It wasn't breaking any new ground or anything but it had good production value, solid cast and a good plot. It was a much better night soap than something like Empire.

Right. What some call bleak and depressing is just normal for some folks.


Totally agree. I am at ep. 8 in MAM. It is so addictive. But you also need to get up and walk away at intervals because it is so affecting and you literally will feel drained if you watch for too long.
Really excited for this season of American Crime though!

My husband and I are both a bit antisocial as well and I think we are also best friends so I feel what you are saying. Lol. Would also add we each have an official best friend and a few other friends. I never call my husband my best friend but when I think about what being a best friend is our relationship fits

The judges seemed to like it. It was crunchy like it should be. I am glad Nicole is still in it.

I agree and lol at the fast and furious! I am not sure what Sally's unfinished business is either. Certainly she seems to have wasted her life but I don't remember if she mentioned needing to do something

Good question

Right! Liz is killing it this season. And the scene with the son was so sweet and well done. So much sadness in Liz's face. I got a little misty

Banshee really? Ok! I love Hannibal and my 5 should have probably been 10. Mr robot was really good too! Definitely give rectify a chance! It is so beautiful and touching and the acting is top notch

Ok :)

I think I will go ahead and watch BB first then jump right into BCS…it's sad how excited I am!

Could one enjoy that without having ever seen breaking bad? I wanted to watch but figured I would be confused. And I will be correcting my breaking bad status on Netflix at some point!

I don't know about the wire…but agree with everything else :)

True! Betsy solved the whole thing before anyone. Lol. And Simone was not a popular character but there is no denying she did quite a bit. Another woman frustrated by her circumstances whose actions led to a lot of death including her own.

I really enjoyed this season but I also have to agree with you! Especially that last sentence

Nice! I am happy for all of them. But I have to say that milioti surprised me the most. She did so well with a relatively small role

Hannibal is one I really love too but I didn't care as much for this season. Mainly the ending

Top 5 for me… Rectify, the Americans, Fargo, leftovers and GOT. Those aren't my all time faves just what I really enjoyed this year. American crime definitely gets an honorable mention as well. But Fargo made me laugh and I had a lot more fun watching it than anything else