
I really liked the narration. It would have been too much every week but one time was pretty funny and I enjoyed it. Didn't know it was freeman…now I like it even more

1000 comments already… Holy cow! Lol. I'm watching it now but loved the open this week! Peggy and Ed only 29…who knew

I have shows I feel that way about! So I get it. I love the fucking originals on CW and I will definitely defend it if need be. But I will come better than "well I like it if you don't turn the channel"

You can be critical of something and still like it. Folks are trying not to give up on it. Thus chiming in with what we see is wrong.
The whole point of the article is a review of the show. We are all entitled to our opinion and can ultimately watch what we want. It sounds like you should find a less thoughtful thread

I am with you. Empire doesn't seem to understand you have to earn a reveal like that. Don't play the audience cheap

This to me isn't fair. Let me first say I am a black chick so hopefully I can voice my opinion on this!
This show has gone completely off the fucking rails. Stevie wonder could see it. If you like it great but those of us looking to watch something that makes sense and has a coherent plot are in the wrong place. The

So do I! Had it been executed properly I might believe her descent into madness but it wasn't and I don't.

Like who? Maybe a Kmart d'angelo? I thought he had a great voice and made really good music

Exactly! And did u catch last week when the Skye Summer's chick goes "I admire the way you channel what is in your heart and mind into the music"
I laughed out loud. Doesn't that describe just about any musician who makes music? Where else would it come from. They can't decide if Jamal is up and coming or established.

Right! I hate that kind of blatant bullshit product placement… It's tacky and cheap

I hate to agree with every word your wrote but I do. I cannot believe how little attention they pay the story and plot. It's all about the shiny outfits and celebrity faces. I used to love this show and now I can't find anything to like. You did a great job explaining what is wrong so maybe lee Daniels will read this

Same here. I am trying but I keep losing my place. I have no doubt I have repeated things already said because the commenters here are some of the sharpest I have ever seen. The threads on this site can be rather intimidating honestly.

I hear you! I agree with others you are being a little nit picky but I had a thought about this scene while I was watching it! I think he truly thought she was weak first off. And he thought he had knocked her out. The reason I believe he didn't kill her is because he wanted to take his time and torture her. Clearly

I thought the same thing. Eventually I chalked it up to different times and different approaches to securing a crime scene back then (no policy at all I guess). But it was odd that Hanzee could walk right in and take his sweet ass time looking around.

I thought she did that! Justifiable to be sure. Those men had snuck into her home but we all know she brought all of this on herself anyway. And the way she was calmly explaining it to Dodd was so nuts. You are talking to this man about the murder of his younger brother. She didn't seem very dialed in to that fact. I

A prequel might even be better. I would love to know how she hitched a ride on the crazy train.

I laughed so hard at that scene. Knowing Dodd was sitting there listening to that. Dodd was a jerk but he was spot on about Peggy being bat shit crazy. I felt he was really trying to convey this fact to Ed and he just refused to listen.
Plus I definitely think feeding him the beans was very malicious. He just said he

I may be remembering it wrong but I thought that gal had to literally beg Alicia to help her. Because she was with another client and the lady was with a different lawyer. But I agree with you that she did pursue it of her own free will and she really did try to help!

Totally agree with you! And there is nothing wrong with the fact she isn't trying to save the world. She has shown she has a heart and has compassion. My favorite episode of all time was that one with the guy on death row and his daughter was trying to make it to see him. Alicia's heart was huge in that one.

It is very common. And it has always annoyed me. You know the good ole one drop rule. My grandma still says stuff like that. Anytime I mention the president is biracial my granny quickly corrects me that the man is black.
Now granted she is an old southern black granny so she speaks her mind at all times (like it or