
I miss Elsbeth. Maybe the actress isn't interested in the role any longer but she was great in it! And this show is really missing those quirky characters I love. Like all the fun judges they used to work with often.

Thank you for this! It really tickled me and plus I think you are right. It was always Peter. That or I saw another poster say it will be Alicia's press conference at the end where she was caught "cheating" and Peter will be by her side. That sounded good too! But I think it will be these two.

I stand by it though. We know saint Alicia will help the less fortunate if it foisted upon her but she has never actively sought out cases of that nature. Even in bond court. Some of the clients had to flat out beg.

Very true! She doesn't have a history of crusading for the less fortunate. In the past she has been deeply moved by some things but I think that is the extent of it. She will defend guilty rich folks if the money is right

Really good point about Lucca. No sense of who she is at all really.

There is! The line made me laugh… A lot :)

The Jamal thing is really confounding! Before the season started I just knew he would be the focal point. It would have made a lot more sense. His journey is interesting and I want to know more.

I had forgotten about that scene with Elijah and Marnie. Hell he full on penetrated and I never thought for a moment he was anything other than gay. Just horny and the chick seemed desperate lol

a character formed in the singer’s own image, with the same penchant for playing piano while screaming like she burned her neck with a hot comb and stepped barefoot on a Lego at the exact same moment…
Awww come on! Lol! She does holler some but I think she has a great voice, and I really like some of her old stuff.

The entire cast of true detective seas 2. They deserve a shot at redemption.

So far I still like the ufo stuff because it is not really more than an afterthought but I think it can work. Strange and unexplainable things do happen IRL. So I buy that these innocent (ha) small town folks might believe in ufo's.

So has Ed been playing everyone all along? Where did this sharp thinking come from

I needed this laugh

Until you said this I had almost forgotten they have lost and found each other several times over. The first time it was heart wrenching now I don't feel anything

Agreed! The last 3 episodes I couldn't place Ron. It took me a few minutes to realize who the kid was. He is very forgettable!

I wasn't surprised because it was Eugene. While forgiven his bullshit wasn't forgotten

Exactly! She would have to be smart to make it alone but she came off as stupid and cruel

Carol and Sam consistently crack me up! She is so mean to that kid and he keeps coming back for more! Of course she is trying to toughen him up but I always feel bad for him

Along the same vein not real sure how spencer didn't lose at least a baby toe! Come on

Yea it is pretty noticeable with Tara! Darryl and Abraham I don't notice as much. I will look a little more closely next time