
I feel exactly the same! Just watched. Laughed so hard the whole way! Ruby and bows reaction to Dre's cut killed me. "Good god son who did that to you, I want names". Also agree that junior was on fire… And Diane's hairdo was so cute

I wish I could send many people here to read this!

Lol! It was jarring to see a grown man pull off his belt to spank his equally adult brother. But I can appreciate that it used to be a more common thing… Glad we have moved past it :)

Well said!

I agree with you. It does seem to add another layer though. This is definitely one of those issues where while it is easy to see both sides of it there is only ever one right answer

You are sharp!

Do you think the same logic applies if a woman is married? I was having a discussion about this the other day and the person I was talking too felt a wife is obligated to tell her husband.

Lol right! Something is just off about it. Too clipped or rigid… It's just too much

I laughed a lot but my sense of humor skews toward the darker side of things! But would definitely not mind if they pulled a little bit from this material

Lol maybe! But whatever it is I will definitely give it a shot

Where did it say recurring characters need to be in every episode? Of course they don't need to be. But this show frames people as important to the narrative then never mentions them again.

Them and Scyfy (or however the hell they are spelling it now). Both networks have burned me one time too many. I will not try anything new on those stations.

I wonder if they will be pulling from Sex Lives of Siamese Twins. It took place in Miami. That is actually the only Welsh novel I have read and I really enjoyed the hell out of it. Has anyone else read that? I tried to get my book club to give it a shot but they are a little buttoned up. It really was pretty funny.

My mind refuses to even accept that this is Marisa playing this silly ass role. They must have paid her a truck load because otherwise I do not get it. When she read that dumb ass 3some scene she should have thrown the script in Lee Daniels face and swept out of the room like the goddess she is!

I did like Jamals Pepsi song and I enjoyed the battle which probably doesn't qualify as a true "song" but other than that I am with you. Too much auto tune.

What I would really like to know once and for all is whether Rhonda is faking this pregnancy or not. I cant remember if this is a lie or real or who can even keep up with this show. Totally agree regarding the disappearance of Jamal's boyfriend. That just got dropped. I guess you would probably not speak to him again,

OMG, it made no sense. I liked parts of it but overall I just cant even follow Scandal anymore. And here comes the age of Lazarus…

Which Scandal? The one from last week with Rowan speaking like he was constipated in that awful scene with Olivia? Or have you somehow seen this weeks already! If so sounds like I should not even bother with it

So Dodd whips his men (brother included) when they need to be disciplined! That tripped me out, it was very weird. Guess that's how the old man used to get it done

I wonder the same thing!