KC Ribs

Not exactly. The “living constitution” people have been at it for so long that their decisions have considerable stare decisis effect, meaning that judges all over the country apply and follow them. William O. Douglas, for example, was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1939 and served until 1975. Another “activist

I’m too lazy to look it up, but I think what Scalia was probably saying was that the “sodbuster” statutes of Georgia, Texas, etc. were enactments by state legislatures that originally had the power to regulate sexual behavior and that those enactments had not become unconstitutional merely through the passage of time.

Everybody plays this game, but if Hillary is elected, the Republicans will not have gained any permanent advantage. They can’t stonewall for four years, and whoever she appoints is likely to be too professionally competent to turn down without risking a loss of face.

Where does the constitution say anything about women’s bodies?

Was it his job to do you favors?

Unless one belongs to the Green Party or the Peace & Freedom party, accusing Ike of being a racist is treading on risky ground.

Back in 1948 the Republican Party had a strong isolationist component, headed by Senator Robert Taft of Ohio. President Eisenhower was appalled by this view and strongly opposed it. After he was elected in 1952, his view of the necessity for America to engage actively in world affairs came to dominate the Republican

I wish someone had said “Scottie Pippin” or “Leo Durocher,” just to see if he could scream any louder.

But then some of McCain’s people got jealous, because her popularity exceeded his, and people were more interested in seeing her than him. So some of McCain’s people began putting her down and making remarks to the press.

Here’s a link to her endorsement speech on YouTube:

It’s almost as if they’re running out of new ideas over there . . .

Maybe some of the L’s are unhappy with seeing T-men in the W’s restroom. Not everyone agrees with Jerry Brown and the California Legislature on this issue.

I haven’t seen that kind of gaul since Julius Caesar died.

I think the concept here is that it was offensive to the viewers, not to Kathy G.

See you at Faneuil Hall!

Maybe a special edition of “America’s Home Video.”