
He is certainly not following NY State laws about insurance and registration when it comes to his motor vehicles.

Could you imagine if that the murder of his parents actually awakened some sort of determination based reality manipulation power? The more focused he is at being Batman, the more reality bends to him actually being Batman?? Its the reason he hasn’t died or that his body can actually withstand the rigors of fighting

If its not a public company and so long as he is not claiming tax deductions, he can spend his company’s money however he likes.

These ramblings would honestly make a lot more sense to me if I knew that he just plowed through a mountain of coke. I can’t picture his speech pattern any other way in my head.

This is the White House communications director, people. Let that sink in.

1-trillion in raw materials. Buy them, trade them, turn them into cellphones, replace fossil fuels with batteries, etc, and there is more than $1-trillion to be had from that $2.4-trillion investment.

Keep in mind that we’re talking about someone who made a lot of money by driving a casino to bankruptcy.

So, the Google tells me that we’ve spent $2.4 trillion in Afghanistan already. Spending even more money to get $1 trillion worth of resources seems to be major sunk cost fallacy to me...

This is a vicious and unwarranted attack on spoiled six-year-olds.

We haven’t been the pure good guys for a while, but at least we made an effort. Like, we still did what we did mostly for our own gain, but we made sure that there was at least a humanitarian ancillary benefit to what we were doing we could crow about. We made sure we were at least going through the motions of being

War; Open and declared conflict between the armed forces of two or more states or nations.

Andrew Jackson is someone who has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.

I’m not old enough to personally remember when we were the good guys. Then again I’m only in my thirties.

I’m still convinced that he barely knows who Andrew Jackson was, or what he did, but someone on his campaign told him “you’re like a modern day Andrew Jackson!” and he likes the way that sounds.

Which makes him possibly the easiest mark for unscrupulous people. Just dangle a carrot in front of him, tell him he’s a clever boy for buying and you can lead him anywhere.

He regurgitates this half-understood “spoils” bullshit a lot. Do you think it’s why he likes to get his picture taken in front of Andrew Jackson’s picture so much?

“They have something valuable, I want it, So I’m going to use military force to take it.”

Don’t worry, America, I remember when you used to be the good guys.

He’s not president of America. He is president of the electoral college. And he didn’t even win that on his own merits. Like everything he’s ever gotten in life, someone else gave it to him.

Who’s the blonde in middle of the CumberGillan sandwich? Brie Larson?

Sorrell is accused of driving next to the couple for more than 20 blocks (seriously, that shit is frightening)