
Including cowards. People who didn’t have the courage to stand up for what they believed in. It took some big cahones to write and deliver that document. I’m sure there were plenty of people that felt it wasn’t “politically correct” and we’re afraid to support it. Mich like these ignorant Trump supporters today.

Now playing

The key to any good performance is actually attempting an appropriate interpretation. You might change your mind about the merits of the Spiderman theme song after listening to this:

The following story is getting some traction again because of the kerfluffle with NPR yesterday, but its a good one to remember anytime:

In 1951 a reporter in Madison Wisconsin named John Patrick Hunter crafted a “petition” that was just excerpts from the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and proceeded

There have always been uninformed folks who spout off based on knee-jerk reactions and biases. The internet has simply made them “louder”.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t this where we’ve always been at as a country? It’s not like 100% of people wanted to secede from England in 1776 either.

“But some Trump supporters were a bit confused yesterday”

It makes me sad that NPR is being de-funded, because anyone who claims it’s propaganda has obviously never listened. For the most part, it’s boring, bland, and straightforward news. They also interview plenty of right leaning politicians and ask them some very good questions. It’s good to hear different perspectives.

The good Christian followers of Trump would call the Ten Commandments subversive liberal propaganda if Tweeted out one at a time.

November 8, 2016. It was a Tuesday.

Pfft. Typical Gawker leftist propaganda.

You know Trump’s base are in massive denial when they are willing to abandon their own pride of what defines the country just to protect their egos.


In the long ago, far away, world of 8th grade, our teacher had us read this aloud, with each student taking a few phrases or sentences. Then, the teacher gave us a brief explanation of what some of the phrases meant, or what had occasioned them to be said. “Who knows what ‘standing armies’ means?”

Y’know, I mean... Really, at what point do people just embrace their total ignorance? I know some people didn’t have the chance for a good education, but at what point do you just say “Fuck it, I LOVE not knowing what the fuck is going on!”?

Get out of here with this liberal propaganda trash!

Take down this libtard trash.

Liberal garbage written by establishment elites.

“In Marvel’s comics, the Inhumans have always been—for lack of a better phrase—extra as hell”
