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I love Derren Brown. This is one of my favorites. Here he hypnotizes Simon Pegg into thinking that he wants a BMX bike. It’s pretty stunning.

No. But I know how the third world works. It isn’t good, but the alternative is nothing.

So 10% goes to them. Sounds better than 0% to me.

From which only Galactus survived...

Or come to Puerto Rico. PLEASE! Seriously, please come and spend money. Our women are hot, our men handsome and more gentlemanly and less chauvinist than cuban men. Our food is the same. You don’t need a passport, you’re not leaving the US. We got great cigars as well, and delicious rum.

That’s right, deny them the opportunity to benefit from your tourist dollars, they will be so grateful.

Of course I can still travel to Cuba, I’m Canadian.

I don’t know; I thought making Soul Glo an Infinity Stone was a master stroke.

take my upvote and get out

Pretend you don’t want to see an Arsenio Hall cameo.

Daaaaaaaamn! Even the night shot is so... colorful!

I’m not sure about this grimdark remake of Coming To America.

Naw man. That isn’t a monopoly. That is the free market in practice! Good capitalism. If you allow businesses to compete then they’ll automagically achieve a competitive balance that keeps prices low! /s

This is what those stupid motherfucking free market sock puppets never seem to understand.

Not enough stars.

Yay capitalism

This is ridiculous. Let the free market set the prices. The free market will naturally correct itself. If enough people die then the market will disappear. /s

Ain’t this one of them pesky regulations they keep talking about that holds back mom and pop pharmaceuticals? Big gubmint is fleecing Mylan for billions!!

So, the government let them have a monopoly then got angry at monopoly activities. Way to go!

"Capping off his trip to Saudi Arabia, President Donald Trump 
completed his process of fully assimilating to the Saudi’s political
outlook and goals by laying hands on the magical orb that cleanses
all sense of self from anyone who touches it."