
Yes, but I find many people get more conservative as they get older. My mother was pretty much a hippie. Smoked weed. Protested the Vietnam war. Hated Nixon. Once asked me how in God’s name she could have given birth to someone who would vote for a Republican.

Agreed. I hope the impeachment takes 3 years, during which time we have total legislative gridlock (unless there are HUGE changes in the midterms... which may very well be the case). Pence is only 70-80% as bad as Trump, but 90% more likely to be effective.

True. But keep in mind that the “blme someone else like Obama” thing is a byproduct of these people not being terribly well educated. Remember we used to use the “but they did it too” argument back in elementary school. Well, that’s where most of his base stopped developing mentally. Why is this important? Because as

Where I live, right along the main North/South highway that runs straight up to the good ‘ol White House, there is another “white house”. I call it this because it is the most blatant display of a Trump voter I have ever seen. This is a small house, it has no less than five security cameras positioned on it. It has a

Look on the bright side, at least everyone’s no longer talking about him sexually assaulting women!

What do the hard core trumpians do if he gets impeached? We know trump himself will spend the remainder of his life lamenting his fate and torpedoing the Republican establishment. Even Nixon had a 20ish approval at the end, fair to say trump carries at least that amount, what kind of chaos does that kind of following

I’m most afraid of Pence being President. He is competant, a smart politician and can get shit done. Trump does stupid stuff and hates the job. Why the hell is Hillary not here, how did we come to this shit show?

I hope you said you were tired of hearing about emails.

Yesterday I got almost driven off the freeway by a huge truck with a giant American flag (while they were “rolling coal” during a rainstorm that made visibility for other drivers damn near impossible). I moved over so he could pass and he immediately started tailgating the next person. As he passed me I noticed a

The few Trumpsters in my life have moved onto desperately rationalizing why they voted for the guy in the first place, basically it boils down to Hillary’s fault as usual.

My dad voted for him, even though he relies on the ACA, and went on a rant about how he lied to everyone and is turning the whole process into a joke. He was actually more mad about the fact that he has put his children and family members into extremely powerful positions. A guy who isn’t all that smart can even see

I had drinks with a group of friends last week and one of them (Trump voter) said that we’d be better off with Hillary in office. Some of them are coming around, slowly and reluctantly.

Yes, the house is on fire, and that sucks because all of our stuff is in it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t bask in the righteous glow of ‘I told you so.’

Thank you for your opinion. You’re wrong about the definition of treason, but thank you for your opinion just the same. It’s good to have a diversity of opinions here in the comments, even very very wrong ones.

I went outside to grab the paper this morning and rant into a Trump voting neighbor.


The news cycle is turning me into Trump. I’ve literally only been able to sleep 3-4 hours night this week because of anxiety and also because I feel like its less jarring to keep a sleep deprived eye on breaking news than to sleep for 8 hours and wake up to a whole new world. 

Look at it this way - if this is your one and only briefing today, you still attend more briefings daily than the president.

Ah yes the morning what fresh hell am I living in today briefing

What in the fucking fuck?