
When I said that I wanted more Asian American representation in government, this isn’t what I meant.

His first day of classes all his students stood on their seats and turned their backs on him...but ultimately he won. I don’t know who is making the decisions at Berkeley but this and scheduling that Milo Y-neo-nazi-kill-the-blacks-douchebag speak there on the first day of Black History month makes me picture a

He was already a law professor at Berkeley before going into the Bush administration. He just returned afterward. He was my first year Constitutional Law professor in the spring of 2001, as a matter of fact, and let us know early on that he might not finish out the semester because he would probably be going into the

Seriously, fuck Yoo.

How the fuck did this guy get a job at Berkeley?

Pete Souza wins again.

Ive said it several times, but winning the sweeps in the elections is probably the worst thing that could have happened to the GOP. Now they have the power and ability to institute all of their plans and agendas, and to see just how deeply unpopular they are outside of the conservative Christian coalition. They now

If anyone wants to know if he’s heard of the article (b/c we know he can’t read) then just see his tweets this morning about the fake media and how he “calls the shots”. Projecting again. The only satisfaction I have is that he’s humiliated by the fact that everyone thinks he either can’t read or is too incompetent to

Howard Stern did an interview that was also very illuminating. Basically, he thinks that Donald is desperate to be loved and adored, and that the presidency will be detrimental to his mental health given the amount of criticism he will face.

The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable

Basically, a Jean-Ralphio who is in charged of our nuclear codes.

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.

Kind of like how both Trump and Clinton were both bad, right?

I think of it as more of a confession. Trump & Pence (on behalf of the Republicans and/or Russians) by way of their idiot policies & actions probably have gotten people killed (probably more than we know) & will continue to get many, many people killed.

no I am not a murderer

Frankly people would still be harsh about this if it were a conventional Republican president, but Trump revels in controversy because his complete lack of political history (and shame) allows him to say whatever he wants regardless of who it offends. Remember that Trump lives in his opwn universe and is incapable of

So you are under the impression that all American Presidents have ordered the murders of their rivals and pesky journalists? GTFO with your equivocating. Trump is excusing state-ordered unsanctioned murder, and you are nodding along. Shameful.

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”

O’Reilly, in the peculiar position of seeming reasonable