
Begun the VR Headset wars have.

Everybody blends out something, I guess.

I hate that fucking sound. It’s totally overused at this point...

Limiting the slow-mo to between 2 and 4 seconds of real-world time seems a bit stupid, especially considering that my phone can capture 240fps for however long I wish, albeit at a “paltry” 720p. I can understand 480 and 960 fps being taxing, but 240fps video for longer than a few seconds should be doable by a

I like how they already have sequels planned for movies that haven’t even had the chance to bomb yet.

Yes I know that currency =/= measurement. What I was trying to get at is that Americans get pissy about change, and changing to metric or changing the money in any way (a la the Amero, the American Euro) is a surefire way to lose votes. Americans don’t want that “commie shit” (meters and colorful money) in their

It’s not. It is, however, politically suicidal to suggest making changes to either the U.S. Dollar (remember the hubbub and conspiracy bullshit about the Amero?) or to the unit of measure that people are used to. We already went through this metric system thing once. It didn't catch on then and it sure as hell won't

Presidential Candidate Lincoln Chafee Wants the U.S. to Go Metric

But you can’t and that’s the real “kick-in-the-dick.”

Microsoft doesn’t realize how fast I’d buy an XB1 controller when they finally make a wireless one for the PC.

Disney Japan has a ride called “Journey to the Center of the Earth?” I’m going. That’s all there is to it; I’m fuckin’ goin’.

At the very least, Perception sounds promising, and it’s unlike anything I’ve seen before.

Movie-based video game does not live up to the movie

Have you ever described a wine you were drinking as fruity, sweet, or having a hint of coconut? Well, congratulations, because you were totally drinking a component of koala urine.

I wonder if NPR covered it yesterday...

Simple: because it’s cheaper to buy an in-production chip design than to either:

I used to work as an IT admin...

Because in networking if you want to “say hello” to another device, you send a ping. A ping is simply an ICMP packet called an Echo Request.

A “general purpose” computer can be built on any architecture, so long as that architecture is programmable and able to handle a wide variety of tasks. For example, a Power Mac running a PPC chip is not by any means x86 based, but it’s still a PC. In fact, modern-day “x86” processors are actually RISC cores (as found

Does one consider a Linux to be PC? If so then Sony gamers already have a PC since the PS4 is a Linux box. This explains why both the PS4 and Xbox One need to have their games installed to the hard drive to be able to play it.