
Some animals already have lost the Y for good. And yet, they keep having male offspring. How? Nob0dy knows yet.

I was also wondering why they were using an analog camera. Maybe it’s actually smarter that way, because if an analog signal is weak, you get static, but if a digital signal is weak, it can fail completely?

Yes, because if the power is off, how can the phone search for signal? Besides, if phones still searched for signal when power was off, people would find out. You’d hear the buzzing sound coming through unshielded speakers with your turned-off phone nearby. Airplane Mode wouldn’t mean shit because Airplane Mode is

Someone remind me why I’m not subscribed to Kurz Gesagt?

You of course mean: Non-misogynists and misogynists.

Think of it as an astronauts ejector seat.

“Check out the leaflet we gave you earlier. There’s a chip in there. We’ve been tracking you and photographing you. We know who you are. We know what you’ve done. We know about the time you hit that pedestrian with your car at the crosswalk and then just drove away. Maybe you come pick up a pet or two and this whole

My dad would get a kick out of that, he always busts out his stash of German jokes when he comes to visit me here :P

A German would say the letters individually (“ey ooh”), but in a word “eu” makes an “oi” sound, like “Eule,” “Heulen,” or “Beule.”

While the ruling will stop Microsoft from registering a trademark for Skype’s name and logo, it won’t stop them being able to use the name. Which is something.

Except for Germans, then it sounds like “Oi!”

Looks like a young Snape.


The irony is that this article was posted on a website that uses 30 tracking cookies.

Diamonds are extremely rare, yet they’re everywhere.

When Vader was his father at the end of Empire I..

7 months? Fucking amateur. I've been living in Europe for close to 15 years now. Going back to America is a little more than "weird" for me. It doesn't feel like home anymore, and every time I go back, a lot of shit changes, and it gets even weirder.

If Scott Manley can do it, why can’t SpaceX? :)

Ever had to obtain root access to a Mac? It’s even easier.

This is some Peter Molyneux-level marketing bullshit right here.