
Anyone else getting the urge to climb this, deactivate the scrambler and then descend via zipline?

Back in the 1960s, NASA ran a Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP) program to study nuclear power’s potential in space exploration.

After all the GamerGate bullshit we still have the gall to promote Depression Quest?

Best to go to the source if you want to watch it at anything other than postage-stamp size.

The plane that crashed today was 24 years old.

Damn, you beat me to the punch... in the glasscock... huhuh huhuhuh uhuhh....

I agree. How is this not using the Wii U to its fullest?

Totally disappointing. All I saw here in Germany was grey sky and darker grey sky with a healthy dose of fog.

I didn't see the kid in the background and I thought this woman had a smaller hand attached to the underside of her wrist that was also poking out of her sweater. Freaky!

Next sentence kind of clarifies why China is mentioned:

Most individual customers get new versions of Windows by buying new PCs. The PC OEMs still have to pay for bulk Windows licenses. Also, enterprises still have to buy bulk Windows licenses for servers and workplace PCs.

Uhhhuhuhuh.... huhuh... you said "taint," uhuhuuh uhuhuhuh...

So... wait... the fall killed her? Like, just the downward acceleration through the atmosphere at 9.8m/sec² for a second or two killed her? What the fuck kind of sense does that make?

Half-Life as envisioned by Ubisoft.

I eagerly await the article talking about the school attempting to attract students with Hentai-style uniforms.

Call Scott Manley, maybe he's already working on it :P

And to think some people actually think the Earth is flat...

It stabilizes the rocket, otherwise it might pitch in one direction or the other.

Video games take up a lot of space. It's not uncommon, then, to need to add, change, or remove hard drives from a gaming PC. While you might need extra software for full backups, Steam allows you to backup and restore games directly. This is particularly useful if you need to move games around to a folder other than