
I bet that by 2016 EA and Ubisoft will start rolling out patches in the form of DLC that you have to pay for.

Shortly thereafter, a Microsoft staff member contacted us, and assisted us in setting up a complaint. Since then, we've had several people from Microsoft reach out to help, from various departments. There is no formal resolution at this time.

I'll be honest: when Borderlands 2 came out and got very good, but not astronomical reviews, I had a weeklong bout of what I can only describe as Diet Postpartum Depression. Half of that was due to the fact that a thing I'd just spent nearly three years working on had finally come out and hadn't resulted in my

3. When devs use the word "excited" they're not blowing smoke up your ass order to stick them up, you stab a tiny hole through your grandma's face.

Patch 2.2.0, which will soon launch on public test servers, is primarily focused on tweaks to things like Adventure Mode and "quality of life" improvements like a new cosmetics window, but today Blizzard announced another addition: Platinum, a microtransaction-based currency that, for now, will only appear in

Now playing

It helps if you look at all the evidence instead of limiting yourself only to that which confirms your own cognitive bias.

Holy shit... I didn't know I wanted to build castles before seeing this...

Well... they have plenty to lose.

I do that too! I also have a photocopy of my Social Security card and front/back of my credit card, as well as a bank statement, all attached to my monitor. It's so much more convenient like this!


I remember back in the early 90's when you could buy a pack of hundreds of typefaces for 20 - 40 bucks.

I'm gonna make a pong clone called "The of a an: :" and watch them lawsuit dollars roll in!

And because there's president for law enforcement...

Damn, you beat me to it!

A potent psychedelic drug, DOI, was recently shown to be effective in treating asthma in a mouse model.

A potent psychedelic drug, DOI, was recently shown to be effective in treating asthma in a mouse model.

Know which browsers I use?

Just stop pre-ordering video games. All this bullshit will go away if people would just wait until after launch and a few user reviews come in before buying any games.

Each time there's a new transition of consoles, we try to create engines that take full advantage of the capacity of those consoles. In the case of Unity, we had to redo 100% of the engine. So when you do that, it's painful for all the group...and everything has to be recalibrated. With this game, a few things were