
API Request:

I heard that OK came from German for "Ohne Korrektur" (no/without corrections)

Have you seen this boy?

OK, so yes, there is humour to be found. Any game that gives players the freedom to build whatever they like is going to contain humour, because people are inherently funny when you let them off the leash.

The Riposte guy is just stabbing people in the dicks... that's not right...

Molyneux is a lying liar who lies. He needs to go away.

I'm playing Dragon Age: Inquisition right now on my PC and the in-engine realtime cinematics look far superior to the pre-rendered ones. Far Cry 4 was the same.

Nope, not buying it. Fuck that pricing scheme.

I'm still amazed that they even managed to put those boosters on the landing platform to begin with. Getting into orbit is tough enough, but flipping your rocket boosters around after separation and landing (hell, even crashing) them on a tiny platform? Fucking impossiburu.

I like how politicians and government officials are supposed to have been born with opinions about everything set in concrete, never to be changed, ever again. Who's to say that Wheeler didn't sit down and have a discussion and learn about the situation, thus changing his mind about Net Neutrality?

So the moral of the story is "we're all fucked up, and you might be fucked up too one day?"

It's not the fireā€”it's the voluntary diving off a perfectly good, structurally sound building for no reason apart from, "won't this be awesome?"

I would have gone up there, took the mic and said "I'mma let you finish..." and then just give him the mic back...

And not a single comment from Anita Sarkeesian?

Layin' pipe...

What sorcery is this?

Absolutely Schocking!

In a thousand years they will just have the pictures of him splattered in stage blood and think that we lived in truly barbaric times.

Uhuhuhuh... uhuhuhuh... uuhhuhhuhh....

Totally meta