
I don't think you can win this argument with anyone here. What you are asking for is like going to DMV without an appointment AND you don't want to take a number but demand to be helped right away.

Still need mouse for Candy Crush Saga or any kind of games.

4 words.... WTFC!

"Costing a cool $105, this watch included a large number of features, but was completely unusable by everyone but the most slender-fingered or the toothpick-equipped."

I usually put my hand in my pants pocket and press the power button while pulling the phone out. By the time my phone is in front of my face, I would already changed my grip so my thumb is near the home button. After all, you can't use the touch screen if your index finger is still on the power button unless you

Some other Gizmodo post mentioned a severed thumb will not unlock the iPhone, anyone want to test that theory?

I think he meant he will not be able to unlock his phone while murdering someone. That's a bummer!

Is it possible to downgrade back to 6 after upgrading to iOS7?

Should I update my wife's iPhone 4 to iOS7? Naturally she'll blame me if her phone runs slow or battery life sucks after the upgrade.

Use them for what? Frame you for murder?

You post reminds me of this story I heard. The King found out some of his people were so poor they couldn't afford to eat rice, the King was confused and asked why they don't eat beef, chicken, pork, etc.

I say turn it into a giant green house.

In much of Asia, standing in line for someone else and get pay for it is a career choice.

Try finding that button on your headphone wire while both the phone and the headphone are in your pocket. The alternative is to have the headphone wire hanging around your neck all day long looking like a dork!


Wow! Here is a prime example of a 3rd world problem if there ever was one.

What I think will happen is American will spend the next 10 years talking about Hyperloop while countries like China, Korea or even India will use that time to build one.

Who's Bill's sidekick and why does he look like Stephen King?

Our Dyson Vacuum Cleaner is over 8 years old and it still sucks! It sucks so bad that we plan to buy another one when this one stop sucking.

10 = 3778888999