
I am beginning to think there is no 10. The number is in the trillions now.

Still running and still no 10!

It took my computer 42 seconds to get persistence 9. It's been over 10 minutes and no 10 in sight yet!

I am currently on level 421 in Candy Crush Saga and have never paid a penny for it. What is the fun of playing this game if you cheat all the time by using your hard earned money? I play this game for the challenge. Yes, more than once I was two swipes away from completing a level with one move left but I've never

You point is true if you live in America. Mobile markets in the rest of the world are different. I know Americans can't comprehend this but the rest of the world is much bigger.

Manufacturer can add a plastic shrink-wrap to the outside of the jar which will keep it airtight on the shelf.

Wow! There is something even more boring than waiting for water to boil!

The only thing I want NeverWet treated is my car windshield, but that apparently is not a good idea given that "milky haze" problem.

Wait 6 months and it'll be under $300.

I would totally buy one if it's under 1K

I think your post broke the time machine. That page is down now.

I always wonder why when anyone else do anything remotely similar to Apple, it's copying. When Apple copy other company, it's innovation.

I hate 3D even on the big screen, it starts giving me headache halfway into the movie. Since I am already wearing glasses, putting another pair on top hurt my nose too. I actually skipped a movie I really wanted to watch because it was only available in 3D at my local theaters.

I don't think iPad 2 is getting Siri as stated in the grid.

Being a software developer for 20 years, I can tell you it's the fancy animation and cool looking graphic that sell software. Most users has the idea that if it look nice, it must work well. Only a small percentage of iPhone users understand and appreciate the improved functionalities but EVERYONE can see the cool


Apple also need to make better apps. Most of the apps I use everyday on my Android phone are made by Google while the only app I use frequently on my iPad that was made by Apple is the App Store.

Hang your key on a dog, hang the dog on a wind chime, put it and a bunch of identical wind chime in a bucket and you've got the most secure way to hide your house key.

It doesn't cost more to get the pure HTC One, you are just not getting the carrier subsidy from AT&T. You probably end up paying more by buying the phone from AT&T.

I don't understand why would you want to do that. Giving up half of your screen real estate for something that is 1 click/1 press away is kind of dumb in my book.