
Does this mean if my internet service goes down for a week for whatever reason, I won't be able to play any game on my Xbox One for that week?

If I can afford them, I would buy the One for the living room where we watch TV and PS4 for the family room where the kids play games. However, if I have to pick one, it would have to be the One.

I don't really get why people are so afraid of rooting their phones especially the one from HTC. You can get step by step instruction at and it's REALLY easy. I'm not going to pay $400+ extra just so I don't need to do it myself.

For me, the benefit of not needing to root the phone does not worth $400+ price different. Once you have a rooted phone, you WILL want to try out different ROMs which requires manual download and install. BTW, I am using HTC One right now and I can tell you boomsound is nice. I can actually use it to listen to

San Luis Obispo, CA

That was the old Hong Kong. Now it's full of Mainland China tourist any time of day.

Am I the only one who feel, although the special effect is much better, Hollywood is copying Japanese movies from 20 years ago except the stories sucks!

I don't think that's a fair comparison. Changing the brakes on your car is comparable to swapping out the video card in your computer.

I don't understand American's love for the dollar bills, they are easy to break, expensive to produce and useless at the vending machine.

Maybe the reason for the blue was that all occupants were froze to death.

If one online business is getting more than 1 million of sales in ONE state, I think they can afford to hire people to take care of collecting and remitting that tax.

It appears to hold on to a GPS lock even if the app is in the background. This will surely kill my phone battery FAST!

Remind me again why do I care?

It's the same kind of crap we are getting from Apple. Every time there is an update for iTune, it wants me to install the stupid Quicktime.

You are not alone.

How is that different from today? If you don't lock you phone, "whoever" will have access to all your accounts anyway!

So are human kids

It does give some incentive to stay with the carrier after 2 years if you don't need a new phone since you will be paying $20 less a month.

"Oops! An Error Occured!" over and over again!

How many cloud storage accounts does one need? I got so many I lost track of them.