
Bow and arrows work better than crossbows, I can shoot 6 arrows in the time it takes to load 1 crossbow arrow.

Are you on the first year promotion? Maybe bundled with other services? You can't compare the promotional rate with the "normal" price.

That's why American football is the dumbest sport ever! It even creates dumb players.


I didn't mean "I", I meant have someone unlock the phone for me.

What if I unlock my phone in another country like Hong Kong, then bring it back to the US, is that illegal?

There is no point in arguing with you, Apple fanboys are always right (not)!

Someday we may replace the carpool lanes with self driving lanes. In order to enter that lane, self drive must be enabled. This way the computers can make sure the traffic flow is at the best efficiency.

Combine Augmented reality windshield display and self driving car, that's a winner!

Only if you can always find the remote

Switching from imperial to metric is really not that difficult. I lived in Hong Kong when the British government decided to switch over to metric back in the 70s. It was a little confusing for a year or 2 but people quickly get used to it. The thing I hate about the imperial system is the temperature unit, 0 =

Actually, it doesn't need to FOLLOW you home. It already knew where you live, what you do, it probably knew things you don't even know about yourself.

Coincidentally, Sam's little sister Apple just landed a job at Samsung Electronic, her husband Mr. Sucks is very happy about the news.

They say the only way to improve a map software is for people to use it everyday. Now that Google is releasing a far superior map app, the Apple app will always suck since nobody would use it. In that sense, Apple SHOULD block Google Map.

I upgraded my router from wireless G to N a while ago. Instead of replacing the G with the N, I left the G running as a secondary gateway on my network. I plugged my cable modem into the G router which is running WEP, then ran a cable from the G router to the new N router which uses WPA2. I connected all my

They won't fix it after the wrongful death suit acquittal!

Unless they put a case on it, I have never mistaken any Samsung phone or tablet as iCraps even from the next table in a restaurant. If Samsung put a big round home button on their phone, I would be confuse that with iPhone and THAT would be copying from Apple.

Personally, I think a better pricing structure is to sell the new iPod Touch for $249 and iPad Mini for $299. Then the price different between Nexus 7 and iPad Mini is $100 which is more acceptable, or pay $100 more for iPad 2.

So what? No one expect these tech toys to last forever anyway!

Like holding on to a pole with my right hand while controlling video playing back with my left hand. I meant a fishing pole.