
So you're telling me you can work a phonograph easy-peasy? How about bit and bridling a horse?

I wonder if you could do it in portal too. I have a feeling you could.

I find your use of the term "willful ignorance" even more ironic now than I did at first.

I come from the future, and I'm here to make sure you know you're a racist.

I had these when I was younger. I would often wake up in the bathroom where my parents had brought me to wake me up (I shared a room with my younger sister) bawling my eyes out. I can remember what the night terrors were though, there were several different types and they usually repeated themselves. One was this

There’s a reason they had to tell people to not freak out when they made themselves visible. cf. A Wind in the Door

In my Christian circles, we love The Prince of Egypt

Nope, not a cornerstone. Thanks for asking!

There must be some genetic predisposition to sensitivity to carbonic acid or something. My brother won't drink soda; he says it tastes too "spicy"

There’s also the “If this is a pen, and this is a pen, and this is a pen, is this a pen?"

I’ve played a similar game where you ask people to guess what’s under your umbrella. Then you correct them with a different example, but say “uhm” before it, unless it already starts in um-. Then they get to try again..

All i know is, I want that Stylo remix

Yeah, Galidor was so strange. I was probably the target market and I couldn't get over how weird it was...
I was a Bionicles kid all the way

Well, that was before it was really Middle-Earth

That's the very first thought that popped into my head: "Someone's going to stick their dick in it"

Can this please be a continuing gag now

That's a shame.

And what makes you the arbiter of worthwhile-ness and productive-ness?

yeah, you're right

Maybe, but you pronounce it like Sm -Ow -g, not like smog.