
“Why do you have to say “the straights”? Your prejudice”

Honestly, that manager, and the MBA fuckstain who came up with that idea deserve more of a savage beating than the person who robbed the store.

Cause I want privacy regulations that apply to all apps? As opposed to you, who clearly love other apps being able to suck up data?

They’re all celebrating what’s happening. I would absolutely put them in the same boat as other domestic terrorists.

Why don’t you go look at how the community reacts to the incel shootings.

Funny enough, the actual term “incel”, for “involuntarily celibate”, was coined by a woman who was going through something similar. She was feeling very lonely and isolated, and she was attempting to create a community for people in the same situation, in the hopes that the loneliness and isolation would go away. And

No, he couldn’t. After he signed the contract, there was never a way for him to “walk away.”

What is with this stupid idea that they should cut costs to meet the dividend? Why should regular employees, who had nothing to do with any strategy decisions, be forced to lose pay? If they actually have cash issues, which no tech company has shown they actually have, then why aren’t they cutting the dividend first?

Do we really need yet another algorithmically controlled social media feed?

“What if, instead of charity, Mr. Beast used his money to create organizations that could effectively lobby for breaking down the pay-walled access to this simple surgery”

If it was so easy to know that the NSA collection was stopped, you would have provided evidence already.

“Is your memory really that fucking terrible?“

No, you claimed that they were shut down. You must have some kind of evidence to make that claim.

No, that’s not a correct answer. They’re showing better than expected results, and there’s no indication that they don’t have work for the people to do.

You are absolutely going to have to prove that the NSA direct feeds have been shut off.

So wanting robust privacy regulations, which would also apply to TikTok, makes me a chinese shill? Whereas you wanting Google and Facebook to continue spying on everyone doesn’t make you a Big Tech shill?

Oh, the issue people like this have is that the right people aren’t having sex/procreating.

As opposed to all that data being farmed by Facebook and Google?

Sorry, but that’s absolutely naive thinking. The NSA has a direct feed from AT&T’s telcom room, along with the telcom rooms of all the other telcom providers.

How, exactly? What exactly can they do, that Facebook can’t do just the same?