
How does that reconcile with the fact that the big misinformation campaigns have been mostly using Facebook?

So Facebook should be considered a national security threat to every other nation on earth?

“Surely you see the difference between the types of data sold to advertisers, and the personally identifiable data stored insecurely in China, including things like clipboard data and private messages.”

Why is it so much better that it be an “american made” platform, especially if it’s harvesting the same data?

“It sends data directly to the Chinese government.”

If this was truly about privacy concerns, then we should be advocating for robust privacy regulations that apply to all apps, including Facebook and Google. Otherwise it’s just xenophobia, as TikTok does the same things those companies do.

First, the idea that TikTok is some kind of “national security risk” is completely fucking stupid. By that measure, Facebook and Google are “national security risks” to every other nation on earth. Not a single person has been able to point out what China could do that the US can’t.

So why just ban TikTok? You said it yourself, Facebook is used for the exact same thing.

Exactly how? What exact danger is there that isn’t present with Google and Facebook harvesting the same data?

Fucking hell, why is it ok that Facebook and Google harvest the exact same data as TikTok? This is our chance to enact robust privacy regulation so that users of all apps can enjoy privacy.

Nah, they’ll never run out of things to be angry about. What they’re doing is continuing the old Trump play of flooding the zone with grievances. They keep the topic du jour on their stupid ass shit, instead of on what they’re actually doing.

Keep in mind that pleading “Not Guilty” can also just be the first step in a plea bargain negotiation. If he pleads guilty from the start, then that kinda removes the desire of the prosecutors to bargain.

They’re promoting climate change by glorifying gas guzzling vehicles?

I dunno, Always Sunny in Philadelphia still can be entertaining.

“I heard someone seeded pirated textbooks with incorrect information in them to sabotage competing students.”

Can you name that year after year? And, on the flip side of stack ranking, can you name the one person that gets the “great” ranking on your team, and thus gets the bonus?

All of these executive jerkoffs know that none of us believe this bullshit, right? That we know it’s just them being dishonest with us?

Nah, it’s still pretty difficult, considering “cancel culture” has been a thing in video games too.

No. It’s really difficult to choose to say something like “culture of cancellation” and not be referring to the nebulous “Cancel Culture”.

Hell, even if you choose to ignore that, the entire fucking plot is that you’re putting down a slave labor revolt.