
Why does it create division to say that black people should be treated with dignity and respect? Why does it create division to say that trans people deserve to exist?

How is that different than literally any other boycott?

Those that go out into the public eye for the most part choose to go out into the public eye. I would bet that most of the developers, artists, designers, etc on Hogwarts Legacy are still quite anonymous.

New health concerns prop up all the time. Did you say the same thing about when they decided asbestos was dangerous?

But, they already have the story/social stuff from the last game, at least the code/framework for it. Yes, you’d need new writing, but they needed new writing for this game too.

“our techs work 14 hour days and get friday off in exchange. for every person that doesnt want to work there is someone that wants their job.”

You can have all the bad opinions you want, but the dictionary does not support your opinion.

The WARN Act is a Federal Law born out of the mass plant closures of the 70s and 80s. Several states also have their own version, most notably California. What it states is that, if your plant closure/layoff is big enough, you have to give those affected 2 months notice. That way, those affected have 2 months paid

When the CEO is the one that instructed people to not pay bills, yes, yes he is.

Once again, the largest form of theft, by far, is wage theft. And yet, all the “tough on crime” people never want to talk about it.

You realize that understanding of medieval Europe is completely fabricated right? That the argument that “there were no black people in medieval Europe” is a complete lie?

A claim, however, can act upon a given set of presuppositions. Much like the OP’s claim and yours that the word “operate” is operating using a definition that requires agency.

“grow up, claims don’t “operate””

No, you really didn’t. You just spouted the same bullshit that it’s more important that a company be able to make more profit than it is that someone be able to feed their family, and that companies shouldn’t have to compete for employees. It’s all worthless drivel.

Not to mention, most of the stuff that happened in them happened when Trump was President.

“It’s clear you don’t have any experience in businesses”

Nope. If you can’t afford it, that sucks for you, but I’m not going to put up with the assholes and stop myself from being able to feed my family because you’re poor.

I mean, they’re big, but compare them to the amount of profit these companies make per employee.

They already could have done that. Literally nothing in this law would prevent that. The wide ranges are so that they can lowball people, pure and simple.

“You understand that this is the same for ordinary banks also, right?”