
I have a similar problem to yours, and I find that smiling really helps. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone 'has' to go around smiling all the time!) My tendency to be quiet around new people coupled with my size (I'm 6'1'', and have been told that I'm an "intimidating woman") seems to lead people to think

But bitching about a person after reading an article by them is totes cool, amirite?

Fuuuuck that. People that want to "have fun" with the medicine that I need to function on a daily basis swiftly stop being friends.

OH THANK GOD. I mean... not for me... for people that accidents happen to. O.o

You are not kidding. Not having to shovel snow is one of the best perks of living in an apartment complex for me — when I've gone to help my friends who have houses, I came home feeling like my arms were made of spaghetti.

Have you ever tried Speedo one-pieces? I'm 6'1'' and I had a racerback one-piece by Speedo that I absolutely LOVED — it was the only one-piece since I hit my first growth spurt that didn't make me feel like I was killing my crotch via strangulation. :)

Yeah, you'd have to be an idiot to make a big mess doing that! *coughs, looks away* ;)

I know what you mean. I think it's because the idea of "bikini=sexy" (or perhaps more pointedly "bikini=that girl totally wants attention, amirite brosef?") is so entrenched in our culture. I had the same problem when I went around my boyfriend's family for the first time — I had a pretty modest two piece (I prefer

How about a nice little sarcastic addendum of "Stealing=wrong! Body shaming=okay! MORALS, PEOPLE!"

I'm so glad that you got treatment, and that you're doing better, now. :) I'm even more glad that you're brave enough to talk about it — not enough people think about things from this perspective when they go around shaming people.

Yeah, no. That doesn't make you "win", that just makes you an asshole, too. And the prideful tone apparent in "so when I'm cleaning my bruises she is crying in her bathroom" really makes your "cone of shame" addendum seem disingenuous.

That suit is so beautiful! ...And so out of my price range! :)

Just replying to keep this up top. :)

Henceforth, you shall be known as Bob "The Cat's Pajamas" LobLaw, Esquire. I like it. Has that ring to it. XD

Every time I read a comment like OP's: URGE TO KILL RISING...!

"Of course, not living in an expensive city is a plus."

"only people who have more debt than you are justified to complain"

Apparently he was also a cousin, or a friend of a cousin, of L. Ron... or something. Excuse my brain-fartiness, I'm in the middle of writing several papers. ^.^; But yes, there is definitely a shared history there — although L.E. has supposedly broken all ties to Scientology.

Fair enough. I'm actually one of the few non-Georgians in the family, so I'm not going to get all hyper-offended or anything. I guess I was just trying to say that it seems like every state has these pockets of horrendous racism — rather than defending Georgia, I'm basically saying that all of America has a serious

I have a VERY large family that is mostly Georgia-based. There are definitely some racist assholes in GA (a few of them clinging to my family tree, unfortunately), but in my experience the majority are really great people. I am of the belief that every state has its enclaves of backward, bigoted people — it's