Russell Barth

To enhance the fact that Clapton is a piece of shit in multiple formats.

Probably because it goes hand-in-hand with him being a prick.

Alright, I amend my comment in the other concet post: it’s good that profits are going to multiple criminal justice reform groups and not just one prisoner. I still wanna see the male hiphop community examine their lack of empathy and kinship with Black WOMEN, collectively and individually.

significantly less tolerance for people with differing “political views”

My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?

He’s saving that for the next Joe Rogan appearance.

deaths from hypertension vs. smoking cannabis deaths? Salt wins every time. In fact, it’s safer to smoke a joint than it is to eat a small order of French fries. It’s also safer to smoke a joint than to drink a beer. But the media will never tell you either truth. In fact, I doubt this post will be up for long...

Fuck that butcher and fuck the grief his family feels. As if anything he ever did could balance the mountain of corpses.

This person is queer so no one can have a problem with Dave Chappelle

Unless your gay or a woman who was sexually harassed or assaulted by one of his friends 

I hate when white men think we’re all as stupid as they are. 

I heard someone last year suggest that the Braves change their name to the Atlanta Hammers in honor of Hammerin’ Hank Aaron, and, holy shit, is that not the BEST name you’ve ever heard for a baseball team?! It even rolls off the tongue when you say it out loud, The Atlanta Hammers. I love it.

We should be rioting in the streets. We should be setting fire to luxury condo towers. We should be killing the rich. The fact that we’re just sitting here after being given proof that the rich do not pay taxes is the biggest sign yet that this republic and society are doomed.

And here I was judging him for not even wearing his wedding band; but maybe that’s their compromise.

Could you imagine putting effort into looking nice (Hailey Bieber) only to leave the house with someone who dresses like this?

I don’t listen to her bc every time I’ve heard one of her songs, she sounds like a 19 year old Lana del Rey, talking instead of singing. Nope. Nope. Nope.

“I’m not racist… I don’t care what color or what religion anyone is,” she continued. “Are you a nice person? That’s what I judge you on.”

Kong was pretty huge in Skull Island, but I think for this movie they probably had to size Kong UP and size Godzilla DOWN.

Hot Take: Everyone on The View is awful.

Screaming obcenities at your employees doesn’t make a you a tough-but-fair, decisive leader. Just means you’re an asshole. Cruise’s message is correct, his management style is garbage.