
Alfredo sauce is not made with a bechamel sauce. That’s macaroni and cheese.

How the fuck do you skim the milk fat out of vegan milk?

The New Alien Movie

It’s commendable that Duggar Seewald is sharing her experience of a procedural abortion.

You’d think these guys would learn to just shut up and count their money, but no.

“I don’t favor boycotts in most cases...” — Scott Adams, 02-27-23

But the real question: Is the grass still green or is it an antifa plot to destroy colors?

This just in: angry narcissists insist that the problem isn't them, it's everyone that's specifically against them. More at 11, when we confirm irrefutably that water is still wet despite insistence otherwise from certain populations.

Ms. Debose is cute and crazy talented at dancing and singing. Don’t really care that she’s clearly not a rapper.

Only if they can produce soy beans with mammary glands.

Maybe a lead balloon.  Bwahaha!

Oh yeah, the second an abortion case comes along they’re all medical doctors!

Only when it comes to things like social media and not something like bodily autonomy. 

It is 100% ageist and I recognize that, but I would have a really difficult time voting in a primary for someone who will be 80 when their 6-year term starts, especially in the CA primary where there will be lots of democratic talent. The California senate seat is as close to a lifetime appointment as a Democrat can

In every possible way. Is that clear enough for you?

Given the last couple pictures, I don’t think I want Ms. Lily’s opinions on hair or fashion either.

Stalling, lying, evading and bringing in the governor for lip service has only made people more angry as they feel they and their families, pets, homes and livelihoods are being sacrificed in the name of Norfolk Southern profits. It is a very rural area and they know damn well no one really cares what happens to them

But if AI takes over corporate CEO jobs, how will we overcompensate them?

“You cannot regulate a puddle as you do a river and doing so will never give us cleaner water, which is what we all want,”

Still a million times better than the guy who experimented on puppies.