
You’d need like a hundred of them to make a coat though, give or take one or so.

Honestly, this looks like fun.

Again, just willful ignorance. This is a documented (though rare) medical condition that affects athletes in contact sports every year and has been for a long time. And it happened again, as would be expected.

Your willful ignorance is astounding, yet unsurprising. You comment on an article that specifically notes that this is not a new issue and explains mostly likely what caused it (commotio cordis). And while very rare, is most common among athletes in impact sports. It also includes links to supporting documentation.

So can we remove them from Airports??

Exactly. She was in the freaking middle of nowhere.

claiming the security measures violated his constitutional rights. Other representatives from both sides of the aisle reportedly complained that the screenings led to annoying long lines.”

So can we remove them from Airports??

PistenBully” does sound like a German sex toy.

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

I suspect that the defense’s case is more likely to be that Olivia Hussey’s mother was on the set when the scene was filmed, so Hussey retrospectively had a problem with the scene, she should have sued her mother for not vetoing it, that she’s seen topless for only a few seconds (IIRC, and 9th graders have a good

Even as a 13 year old, i recall thinking “why the f are they showing us this in school?”

I’m sorry this is just … odd. I mean, yes standards have obviously changed over time, as evidenced by the fact that all us Gen Xers on here watched this in 9th grade English. (My teacher, a white Christian lady, preemptively admonished us to grow up and not giggle, this was Zeffirelli and Shakespeare for crying out

I’ve seen a lot of literature about malicious dystopias, but we didn’t predict the incompetence dystopia. Where the state is evil because it’s so damn stupid.

More stars over here!
The Avocado Toast Is Not Enough

Has Bond not always been a fuckboy though?

We have entered the millennial fuckboy era of bond 

Make yourself comfortable, this is gonna take a while.

...and here I thought Ben Shapiro would never be seriously challenged for most laughable self-own ever.