Isn’t depiction of a racial ethnostate based upon a stone age political system of monarchic power justified by nothing more than tribalism and archaic ideas about might making right, something people shouldn’t celebrate?
Isn’t depiction of a racial ethnostate based upon a stone age political system of monarchic power justified by nothing more than tribalism and archaic ideas about might making right, something people shouldn’t celebrate?
Why shouldn’t you pay for what you want? What’s the issue here?
ICE has been around for a long, long time. If you’re an actual citizen, you have no problem. The problems go with people here illegally.
You can’t block a president from ending via executive order an illegal, temporary program which was an executive order to begin with. The judge will be over ruled and have wasted everyone’s time.
He didn’t come out against #metoo, only the witch hunt atmosphere, which is of course suitably amplified, which I didn’t even know was possible, by the circumstances here.... given an administration hated by some with a supernova white hot passion already. Face it, Trump is not going to bend over and suck #metoo memes…
Totally hot nails.
In addition, the idea that these behaviors have evolved instead of being social constructs, does not imply an is/ought relationship. Knowing the basis of the behaviors does not excuse criminal behavior or harassment for example. The author seems to think it means giving license to harmful actions, but that thinking…
Just ran across this article...I’m not surprised to see such a pile of strawman arguments rooted in the fact that they contradict a political and social ideology held by the post’s author. After all, the idea that men and women’s behaviors and strategies could be molded by evolution, and are not societal constructs,…
It’s too bad he didn’t do his time and work on himself. The crime is bad enough, but it didn’t warrant death. The amount of gleeful hate and delight in his death here from people who claim to be compassionate is startling, but not unexpected. No one deserves to be abused, nor does anyone deserve death for making…
It doesn’t matter if we’re content with the shapeless boundaries of the consent issue or it’s shapeless edges...there will never be a sharp edge, content with this or not. There is an infinite, subjective spectrum of actions, thoughts, impulses and value decisions all along the way. Human sexuality is complicated and…
Is understanding them well tread territory? I’m not sure. For some ‘understanding’ only means repeating their own self serving attacks and mistaken generalizations, since all we’ve seen is a doubling down on attacks, amidst a very few reconsiderations.
I don’t recall Jesus ever advocating killing innocent people with full intent, so there’s that.
Yeah, I know what complicit means. I obtained a perfectly good education before the public school system was turned in to total crap.
Why would they want to? You a racist?
Too bad your child didn’t get the justice you seek.
Your moral inversions do not represent a hopeless tangling of someone else’s. This ‘progressivesplainin’ of Weinstein’s actions, his protection by the left’s brightest stars for years, and examples at least as far back as the Abuser in Chief’s stains on a blue dress all the way back to Ted Kennedy merely confirm what…
Well, the world does run upon physical realities, including biological, yes.
It is impossible for *any* human to ‘have it all’. You cannot powerMom (or powerDad) and be there for your children as they deserve. “Quality time” is no more than a self comforting, destructive myth. Kids brains are wired for face time on a continual basis to bond and learn from their parents...and if they’re not…
I don’t ask or expect anything of my partner I don’t do myself, from caring for the kids to worrying about paying the bills, to helping her when she’s struggling with an issue. But then there’s the stuff she worries about and feels she has to deal with, 100X over...and that may be ‘emotional labor’ but it’s unasked…
Short hair emphasizes the roundness of plus sized ladies, they look waaay better with long hair. I get it, if you want it short for you, go for it, so long as you don’t expect to also flatter your look from the male perspective.