I couldn’t believe it when Han Solo also turned out to be Leia’s brother, tough luck for that lady. 100% of the men she's kissed in her life are her siblings.
I couldn’t believe it when Han Solo also turned out to be Leia’s brother, tough luck for that lady. 100% of the men she's kissed in her life are her siblings.
Because, during the holidays, the people that work at the White House can’t party together? Or get together and watch a movie?
I’m conflicted, so I don’t have a problem with your position. It really never should have come to this. The Right is ruining this country, and it has a role in ruining two lives now. This whole thing is just tragic. There is nothing good in this, anyway you look at it. I think Rick Santorum or some other grandstanding…
I suppose we will have to agree to disagree. I guess I don’t really see a baby with so many medical problems as a person who’s life wouldve been ended. Their life had never begun until the doctors intervened. It’s kinda like reverse playing God. If left to his own devices the baby would not have survived outside the…
If oxygen is needed on a permanent basis the fetus was clearly not viable on its own outside the womb. He is probably going to be in an incubator for months. This person is going to have a horrible, painful and ultimately short life for no justifiable reason. The doctors may have had no legal choice but I believe…
Hardly independent. In fact a hugely dependent existence which the State will try its best to shrug off after 18 years.
Did anyone else watch this movie 100+ times as a kid?
I don't know if I've seen enough to judge, but I like the concept art better.
You make a good point. The call out is stepped in the historical fact that all white juries usually acquitted Caucasian offenders for crimes against blacks. Officers never, and still rarely, go to trial. That’s just the way the system worked. And in many cases still does. We are still in an era where a…
The correct word would probably be “bigoted” but “racist” just, like, flows better or something.
That isn’t what he said. (Or at least the way I see it) “He is astonishingly well-read”, not “It is astonishing that he is well-read”
Yeah I would love to see his response to this.
Because he’s an athlete. Why are you creating a false narrative that this insightful comment is somehow politically incorrect? Did you read his passage in the aforementioned column? It was brilliant. The question was, why do people not talk about Kareem the scholar? And your idiotic and inane response was, why is…
Because the athletes that get politically involved tend to be more like Curt Schilling and less like an actual human with a brain. I know what you were thinking there, but you were also entirely misreading that comment. The OP is saying he’s astonishingly well-read, as in much more well read than pretty much anyone.…
How many public figures from the world of sports do you know who can prompt this kind of discussion? If Curt fucking Schilling can attract attention and debate with his inane Twitter bullshit, why not Kareem?
Their hatred is starting to become no longer acceptable which is actually a good thing. We’re finally seeing them as they really are.
Fear mongering is super effective and super dangerous.
@jazz001: It was a more innocent age when we just didn't get bent out of shape over accidental incestuous attraction. We just accepted the mistake and moved on, 'cause we knew in our hearts that if it was our sister, but we didn't know it was our sister, we would've wanted to hit it too.