Ruck Cohlchez ?

fan-investment pyramid scheme

Yes, exactly! Gee, you should really start doing weekly reviews of this.

Good review. I kinda felt the same way— I mean, insofar as I'll watch these guys do anything, it was good, but I felt like it didn't tell us anything we didn't know about Gamby and was more cringe-y than funny. A strange little step back after the antics escalated so far out of hand last week.

I love how these guys walk the line between things that are both hilarious and in a way make you feel terrible for watching. If you've seen Observe and Report, the two teenagers reminded me in that way of "Why'd you stop, motherfucker?"

I once ate a jalapeño popper that was so spicy the experience resembled a bad acid trip. I think I prefer acid and non-spicy food.

Do you think Gary Condit said a little silent prayer of thanks when the second plane hit the towers?

And a good thing, too, as it would have been a huge betrayal of the character for the sake of the Sutter-style shocking twist that is, as ZMF so eloquently put it, some "LET'S SEE HOW THE SQUARES LIKE THIS BULLSHIT".

That is what I assumed he meant, that if you made a video it would become a GJI within a week.

Just to clarify, "likes to ___" in this case means "gets an erection from ___ing."

It was actually Kurt Sutter's idea for a series finale reveal. Shawn Ryan shot it down.

The finale proved that false— Art Vandelay was that judge guy.

Pretty sure the implication in the attack ad in "The Gang Runs for Office" is that he committed statutory rape as a camp counselor.

You're thinking of Ralph Cifaretto.

Upvoted for correct spelling of "hoors."

I can't even abide Sam's contention that "that’s not the sort of thing that would generally happen on a comedy series"— if any comedy is going to straight-up show some serial killing, it's gonna be Sunny with Dennis.

Well, they were dumb enough to take the STUDENT DRIVER car there, which I think would be immediately memorable to anyone who happened to see anything.

I was definitely picturing Neal coming up with that as a cover story for all the time they've spent together, particularly given their emergence from the woods and the voicemails Neal left Lee. "He's my lover. Yes. You know, I got divorced, and he was there for me, and I just- I just thought- yeah maybe I'll give men

He burned down a goddamn house! I think Shane Vendrell might call him "unrestrained."

Whether that makes Russell and Gamby protagonists of any sort is debatable

Sorry, "Rape of Thrones" was already used as a headline on this website.